Monday 27 May 2013

Meatballs with (optional) cream sauce

Serves four
50 ml breadcrumbs
200 ml cream
1 onion, finely chopped
2 tablespoons butter
300 g mince beef
100 g mince pork (or use all beef)
1 egg
1 teaspooon salt
juices from the frying pan
200 ml beef or vegetable stock
200 ml cream
2 tablespoons flour
salt, and white pepper, to taste

Molasses sugar cookies

3/4 cup butter (170 grams)
1 cup sugar (225 grams), plus extra for rolling
1/2 cup molasses (170 grams)
1 egg
1 tsp baking soda
2 cups plain flour (250 grams)
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1. Melt the butter and mix it with all of the other ingredients.
2. Form it into one big ball, and chill until the dough is firm.
3. Form the cold dough into balls of about 1 inch in diameter, and roll lightly in sugar.
4. Place the balls on a lightly greased or non-stick baking tray, keeping in mind that they will spread quite a bit.
5. Bake in moderate oven (350 F/ 175 C) until set all the way to the centre, but not hard. When in doubt, under-baking is better than over-baking. These are best when chewy, not hard.

Sunday 26 May 2013

Braised Turkey.

Braised Turkey -
Braising cooks large cuts of beef in enough liquid to partially cover the meat as shown in Classic Beef Pot Roast with Root Vegetables.
Braising is a cooking technique in which the main ingredient is seared, or browned in fat, and then simmered in liquid on low heat in a covered pot.
The best equipment to use would be a crock pot, pressure cooker or Dutch oven.
Stewing uses small, uniform pieces of beef pot roast or beef for stew meat that are totally immersed in liquid.
This technique is used in Beef Bourguignonne.
There are 9 basic steps to braising meat:
1. Season the main ingredient with salt and pepper.
2. Heat a few tablespoons of oil and/or butter in a heavy pan or Dutch oven.
3. Saute meat or vegetables in the pan on medium-high heat until the meat browns.
4. Deglace the pan by pouring broth, beef stock, wine or juice and scrape any pieces of meat that are stuck to the pan and stir.
5. Add cooking liquid (water, stock, wine, juice or some combination) to the half-way point of the main ingredient.
6. Cover and place the meat on the middle of a rack in an oven that has been pre-heated to 150C-177C/300° – 350° Fahrenheit.
7. Cook until completely tender. This can range from 1 hour to 6 hours, depending on what you are cooking.
8. Remove the pan from the oven and strain the meat and vegetables out of the liquid.
9. Remove the excess fat floating in the liquid, and then reduce the sauce to desired thickness by cooking it down over low heat until it thickens.
Or, make gravy by adding a mix of equal parts fat and flour (a roux).

Must-Haves for the Pantry.

The Latest Must-Haves for the Pantry -

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Monday 20 May 2013

Eggplant Lentil Stew with Pomegranate Molasses Recipe.

Eggplant Lentil Stew with Pomegranate Molasses Recipe | Simply Recipes:

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Диета "5:2" Майкла Мосли. Третья неделя. Понедельник.

88+120+173 = 381 калорий.
500 - 381 = 119 калорий
Возместить 119 калорий можно добавив ягоды к каше на воде.
А рататуй/икра был с лапшой "Соба" из гречишной муки.
Стандартная порция лапши соба - 113 калорий.

Капоната с оливками. Рецепт здесь.

kitchen_fast: рецепты

kitchen_fast: Похлебка от Похлебкина:
kitchen_fast: Плов из перловой крупы с грибами (постный):
kitchen_fast: Snert (настоящий голландский гороховый суп):
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Капоната с оливками.

Капоната с оливками рецепт – итальянская кухня: закуски. «Афиша-Еда»:
По своей сути капоната - овощное рагу.
Готовится очень быстро, подается и горячим, и холодным.
В состав входят разнообразные овощи, как правило, сезонные.
Овощи, тушеные в кисло-сладком соусе.
Рецептура капонато отличается от дома к дому, от повара к повару.
Тут в полной мере подключается фантазия. Неизменны только маслины и оливковое масло.
В Европейских кухнях существуют весьма похожие блюда - рагу из овощей, соте из кабачков, рататуй и т.д.

Caponata by Yotam Ottolenghi.

Caponata recipe | Yotam Ottolenghi | Life and style | The Guardian:
80ml olive oil
80ml sunflower oil
1 large aubergine (350g), cut into 2.5cm dice
120g celery, tender part only, cut on an angle into 2cm-wide slices
1 red pepper, cut into 1.5cm dice
1 medium onion, thinly sliced
1/2 tsp harissa paste
150g tinned tomatoes
2 tbsp red-wine vinegar
20g capers
30g green olives, pitted and halved
1½ tsp caster sugar
Salt and black pepper
30g raisins (optional)
2 tsp lemon juice
4 tbsp chopped parsley

Thursday 16 May 2013

Диета "5:2" Майкла Мосли. Вторая неделя. Второй разгрузочный.

Меню с использованием сезонных продуктов - это важно!:
Утром - porridge/каша - Овсяная каша на воде - 88 калорий.
Днем - яйцо всмятку со спаржей - 90 калорий.
Вечером (до 6 часов) - Курица "Путанеска"/"Puttanesca" - 247 калорий.
Итого калорий - 425. Что меньше 500!
Так что утренняя каша может быть и с ревенем. (Ревень богат солями калия, железа, кальция, фосфора, магния, а также микроэлементами.)
Или чувство голода можно утолить овощным супом в небольшом количестве.
Итак, рецепты:

Sunday 12 May 2013

Острая ореховая тыква с черными бобами.

Ореховая тыква -(Butternut squash) и черные бобы с острыми перцами (смесь в хлопьях)- crushed chili flakes.
Калории 214,1
4 порции (Размер 1 порции-325 г)
1 столовые ложки оливкового масла
1 ореховая тыква, очищенная и нарезанная
1 луковица, нарезанная кубиками
4 зубчика чеснока, измельчить
щепоть crushed chili flakes
1 столовая ложка молотого тмина
щепоть соли
1 чашка овощного бульона (1 чашка = 240 мл)
1 банка черных бобов, промыть
1/2 банки помидоров
4 чайные ложки сока лайма
½ чашки нарезанной кинзой

Весенний суп с кабачками и черемшой.

Свежий весенний суп с кабачками (zucchini or courgette), черемшой (я ее храню замороженной), мятой и сырными гренками.
Калории 120 (если суп на курином бульоне, согласно рецепту. Я сварила на овощном бульоне.)
(4 порции)
2 столовые ложки оливкового масла
1 маленькая луковица нарезать
6 нарезанных кабачков (я взяла 4)
1 зубчик чеснока, измельченный
1 пучок черемши
1 столовая ложка свежей мяты, мелко нарезать

Положить две столовые ложки оливкового масла в большую кастрюлю.
Добавить лук и обжаривать в течение нескольких минут.
Добавить кабачок и измельченный зубчик чеснока.

Посолить, поперчить и жарить еще минуту или две, залить водой (600 мл)и довести до кипения, варить до мягкости кабачков (максимум 10 минут).
Когда овощи готовы, снять кастрюлю с огня и добавить нарезанный дикий чеснок и мяту - остаточное тепло от супа доведет их до готовности.
Смешать блендером.
Если суп слишком густой, добавить немного воды.
Приправить небольшим количеством оливкового масла и суп готов.
Если вы планируете есть его позже, то быстро остудите с ледяной водой - это сохранит прекрасный зеленый цвет супа.

Friday 10 May 2013

Rhubarb Vinaigrette.

Rhubarb Vinaigrette » Dinner With Julie:
"Adapted (with great thanks!) from

1 rhubarb stalk, thinly sliced
2 Tbsp. honey
2 Tbsp. rice vinegar (red wine or raspberry vinegar would work well too)
2 tsp. grainy Dijon mustard (or to taste)
1/4 cup canola or mild olive oil

In a small saucepan, simmer the rhubarb with 1/4 – 1/2 cup water for 5 minutes, or until very soft. Remove from heat and set aside to cool. (I’ve done it warm too, and it’s just fine.)

Put the rhubarb into a blender with the honey, vinegar and mustard. Pulse until smooth. With the motor running, slowly pour in the oil. Makes about a cup."

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Rhubarb Curd.

Recipe: Rhubarb Curd Recipes from The Kitchn | The Kitchn:
Rhubarb Curd
Makes about 2 cups
8 ounces fresh rhubarb, leaves removed and discarded
2/3 cup sugar
4 large eggs
4 ounces (8 tablespoons) butter, cut into small chunks

French Pastry School Experience.: Chocolate Cremeux? What?

French Pastry School Experience.: Chocolate Cremeux? What?:

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MAKE “hard boiled” eggs in the oven!

The Burlap Bag - High Quality Handmade Goods Shop - Austin Texas: "MAKE “hard boiled” eggs in the oven!"

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What seasonal fruit and vegetables to eat now | Eat Seasonably

What seasonal fruit and vegetables to eat now | Eat Seasonably:

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Thursday 9 May 2013

Jerusalem Artichoke & Ramps Vegetable Soup.

Tartelette: Jerusalem Artichoke & Ramps Vegetable Soup And Poached Egg With Potato Hash:

Jerusalem Artichoke and Ramps Vegetable Soup
Serves 4 as a main dish
1/2 pound ramps (wild leeks) (or 4-6 small leeks), cut on the bias and rinsed well
1 pound Jerusalem artichokes (peeled and quartered)
1 small head cauliflower
3 cloves garlic
4 turnips (peeled and quartered)
3 parsnips (peeled and cut into 1-inch thick rounds)
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1 or 2 oregano sprigs
1 to 2 cups water, or veggie or chicken stock

Preheat oven to 375F and position a rack in the middle.
On a large baking sheet, place the ramps and Jerusalem artichokes.
Trim the outer leaves from the cauliflower head. Cut in quarters, remove the core, and cut the cauliflower into medium size florets. Place on a large baking sheet.
Peel the garlic and place on the baking sheet with the cauliflower.
Finely add the turnips and parsnips to the same baking sheet.
Drizzle with the oil, salt and pepper. Place the oregano on top and roast for about 20-25 minutes. Remove the oregano
Let cool slightly. Place in a food processor, start running the machine and add enough water to have a creamy soup. Re-season if necessary with salt and pepper.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Рецепты разгрузочного дня.

Калькулятор калорий онлайн. Расчет калорийности рациона питания. Уникальный калькулятор гликемической нагрузки по гликемическому индексу продуктов.:
Завтра мой второй разгрузочный день.
Утром - porridge/каша - Овсяная каша на воде - 88 калорий.
Днем - капустный суп - 22 калории.
Вечером (до 6 часов) - "Ло-ло" Фрикадельки с Cavolo Nero/Тосканская капуста - 264 калории.
Итого - 374 калорий.

Lo-Lo Meatballs with Cavolo Nero.

Calorie count: 264
Lo-lo, because much of the saturated fat you’d usually find in a typical Italian mamma meatball has been stripped out by swapping to a leaner meat and eliminating all but the merest flash of oil.
Serves 2
264 cal per person
For the meatballs
200g lean pork mince or turkey mince (I used turkey mince)
half a med red onion (chopped)
1 garlic clove (peeled and crushed) (I used a little bit of pre-minced garlic for speed)
1 small carrot (grated)
pinch of oregano
1 egg (beaten)
salt and pepper
oil for spraying (you can make up your own spray bottle of oil, or buy one of the spray cans)

Tuesday 7 May 2013

In Season.

In Season | 21 Hospitality Group: "In Season Enjoy our series of seasonal recipes that have been developed since they first appeared in association with our friends at Luxe magazine. In Season looks at key seasonal produce and suggests 2-3 classic recipes that can be made with that key ingredient."

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Angela Hartnett's wild garlic, courgette and mint soup recipe.

Angela Hartnett's wild garlic, courgette and mint soup recipe | Life and style | The Guardian: "Cook it quickly to retain the vibrant colour and if you fancy, finish with cheese croutons.

(Serves four, as a starter)
2 tbsp olive oil
1 small onion sliced
6 courgettes sliced
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 bunch wild garlic
1 tbsp fresh mint, chopped

Put two tablespoons of olive oil into a large pan. Add the onion and saute for a couple of minutes. Before the onion loses any colour, add the courgette and the crushed garlic clove.

Season and saute for another minute or two, cover with water and bring to a simmer to soften.

When the vegetables are cooked through (10 minutes maximum), remove the pan from the heat and add the chopped wild garlic and mint – the residual heat from the soup will cook the wild garlic. If it's too thick, add a little water to thin it out.

Blend, check seasoning, finish with a little olive oil and serve. Cool quickly over iced water if you don't plan to eat it straight away – this keeps the lovely green colour."

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Food Safety Tips for Vegetables and Herbs Stored in Oil.

Food Safety Tips for Vegetables and Herbs Stored in Oil - Food Safety - Health Canada:

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Monday 6 May 2013

Gluten-Free Baking and Substitutions | David Lebovitz

Gluten-Free Baking and Substitutions | David Lebovitz:

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Диета "5:2" Майкла Мосли или периодическое голодание.

Диета заключается в следующем: человек может есть пять дней в неделю все, что ему захочется.
Но вот два дня придется потом поголодать. Точнее, о голоде, как таковом, речь не идет. Просто требуется ограничить потребление до 500 калорий - для женщин и до 600 - для мужчин.

Автор такого режима питания - доктор Майкл Мосли. По его словам, он сам смог за прошлый год сбросить девять килограммом.
Так, для снижения веса нужно потреблять меньше калорий, чем сжигает организм.
Книга предлагает 150 вкусных сбалансированных низкокалорийных рецептов на постные дни, с подсчетом калорий каждого блюда.
Итак я выбрала для "голодания" понедельник и четверг.
Завтра мой первый "разгрузочный" день и меню включает:
- porridge/каша - 284 калорий
- allotment soup/овощной суп - 108 калорий
- Shakshouka/Шакшука - 178 калорий

Geographic Spice Index

Geographic Spice Index:

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Discover Kale

Recipes | Discover Kale:

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Saturday 4 May 2013

IKEA-Inspired Cinnamon Rolls.

Breakfast in Bed Recipe: IKEA-Inspired Cinnamon Rolls | The Kitchn:
IKEA-Inspired Cinnamon Rolls
makes 6 cinnamon rolls
1 package Trader Joe's plain pizza dough*
3 tablespoons butter, melted
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

1 tablespoon whipped cream cheese
1 tablespoon buttermilk
3/4 cup confectioners' sugar, sifted

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Red kidney beans.

Recipes using red kidney beans -
Red beans what is it?
Kidney beans are dark red kidney-shaped beans.
Their firm, creamy, white flesh and full-bodied flavor make these beans a popular choice for chili, soups, and salads.
kitchen math:
1 cup dried beans = about 2-1/2 cups cooked
don't have it?
You can substitute cannellini beans (though the color is different).
how to choose:
Choose dried beans that look plump, unwrinkled and evenly colored.
Pick over dried beans before using to remove any small pebbles.
how to prep:
Canned kidney beans should be thoroughly rinsed before using.
Dried kidney beans should be soaked before cooking, both to speed cooking time and to reduce any gas-causing tendencies.
There are two ways to soak dried beans:
Overnight soak:
Rinse the beans, then cover with an inch of cold water and let soak at room temperature for at least four hours or overnight.
Drain and rinse the beans before cooking them.
Quick-soak method: Rinse the beans, then put in a saucepan, cover with an inch of water, and bring to a boil.
Boil for a few minutes and then let them soak for an hour off the heat, drain, and then add fresh water and continue cooking.
Soaked kidney beans will cook in about 60 minutes.
Use 3 cups of water for each cup of uncooked beans, and you may wish to season the beans by adding bay leaves, herb sprigs, or garlic cloves to the cooking water.
There's a persistent myth that adding salt to beans while they cook will toughen their skins.
This is not true, however, and salting the cooking water gives the beans better flavor.
how to store:
Canned beans have a shelf life of 2 to 3 years.
Store dried beans in a covered container for up to 1 year.
You can precook kidney beans and store them, refrigerated, in their cooking liquid for up to 5 days.
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