Monday 29 February 2016

Easy Desk Lunch.

- Mason Jar Quinoa Salad with Green Thai-Style Dressing (GF and Vegan) - Izy Hossack - Top With Cinnamon

Easy Desk Lunch III: Buckwheat, Apple & Orange Jar Salad (Vegan, GF) - Izy Hossack - Top With Cinnamon
salad in a jar!
5-7 cherry tomatoes, halved
drizzle of olive oil
250ml water
½ a vegetable stock cube
50g raw buckwheat groats, rinsed well
¼ apple
1 small orange
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tsp wholegrain mustard
2 tbsp olive oil
large pinch of salt
handful of baby spinach
handful of mixed sprouts
Preheat the oven to 200 C (400 F) and put the tomatoes cut side-up on a baking tray. Drizzle them with some olive oil and roast in the oven for 20-30 minutes until slightly shrivelled.
Meanwhile bring the water to the boil in a small pot. Add the rinsed buckwheat and stock cube, stir together and then turn down the heat to simmer. Place a lid on and leave to cook for 20 minutes then drain and place back into the pot. Cover with the lid again and leave for 10 minutes to absorb any excess moisture.
Take the apple and slice it thinly. Cut out the core and then cut the slices into matchsticks. Cut the orange in half and squeeze the juice of one half over the apple matchsticks, tossing to coat.
Squeeze the juice from the other orange half into a small jar. Add the balsamic, mustard, olive oil and salt to the jar. Fit the lid and shake the jar to emulsify the dressing.
Take a large jar with a tight-fitting lid and pour the dressing into the bottom. Layer the cooked buckwheat on top, followed by the roasted tomatoes, apple, the spinach and finally the sprouts. Seal with the lid.
To eat: pour the salad out into a bowl and toss to coat with the dressing.
- I also like to add crumbled feta to this salad, layered into the jar just after the spinach.

Variation ideas:

Instead of buckwheat: quinoa, pasta, roasted sweet potato, peas, sweet corn, chickpeas, lentils
Instead of balsamic vinaigrette: apple cider vinegar & honey, pomegranate molasses & lime juice, toasted cumin & lemon juice
Instead of apples/tomatoes: halved grapes, segmented orange, roasted squash, marinated courgette ribbons, grated carrot, chargrilled bell peppers, spiralised beetroot
Instead of sprouts: chopped fresh herbs, crumbled feta, shaved parmesan, salted & toasted cashews, toasted sesame seeds, sliced spring onion, sliced olives


The Right Way to Sauce Pasta | Serious Eats
The right way to sauce pasta!
Here's how to properly sauce your pasta, step by step.

Step 1: heat your sauce separately
Step 2: cook your pasta al dente (really)
Remember: you do not want your pasta water as salty as the sea.
One to two percent salinity is what you should aim for, which translates to around 1 or 2 tablespoons of kosher salt per quart or liter.
You also don't need a huge amount of water—just enough to be able to keep the pasta moving.
With small shapes, like penne or fusilli, I use a saucepan or a saucier.
With long, skinny shapes, like spaghetti or bucatini, I use a 24 cm skillet.

Whatever you do, don't toss cooked pasta with oil—it makes it much more difficult to get sauce to cling to it down the line.

Step 3: transfer cooked pasta to sauce.
Step 4: add pasta water.
Once the pasta is in the sauce, add pasta water. This is the most vital step in the process.
Step 5: add fat!
If you have a very low-fat sauce (like a tomato sauce, for instance), now is the time to add extra fat. A small amount of fat—extra-virgin olive oil or butter—is essential to good pasta sauce texture.
Step 6: cook hard and fast.
Once everything is in the pan together—cooked pasta, hot sauce, pasta water, and extra fat—it's time to simmer it. Simmering not only reduces liquid (and thereby thickens the sauce), but also contributes to mechanical stirring, helping that starchy pasta water do its job of emulsifying the sauce with the fat and getting it to coat the pasta. The hotter your pan, the more vigorously the sauce will bubble, and the better the emulsion you'll form.
Step 7: stir in cheese and herbs off heat.
Once the pasta and sauce are where you want them, remove the pan from the heat and stir in any cheese or chopped herbs you may be using.
Step 8: adjust consistency
You thought you were done with that pasta water? Not quite yet! You're just about to serve the pasta, which means that now is your last chance to adjust texture.
Step 9: garnish as necessary.
Transfer the cooked, sauced pasta to a warmed serving bowl or individual plates, then add the final garnishes, if you're using any.
These can be anything from chopped fresh herbs to grated cheese to a big grind of black pepper.
Step 10: serve immediately.
Pasta don't wait around for nobody. Once the pasta is in the sauce, there's a countdown timer that's automatically started and cannot be paused.
Pasta will continue to cook and soften as it sits.
The sauce will start to cool down and thicken.

The only solution is to serve it immediately and to eat it with gusto.

If you've done everything right, that shouldn't be a problem!

Saturday 27 February 2016

Minestrone With Borlotti Beans.

- Recipe of the Week: Minestrone With Cannellini Beans | Theo Randall

Serves 6
2 tbsp olive oil
3 celery sticks, finely chopped
1 red onion, chopped
2 carrots, chopped
1 garlic clove, finely sliced
1 x 400g tins chopped tomatoes
300g cavolo nero
1 x 400g tin borlotti beans, drained and rinsed
1 small bunch basil leaves
Salt and pepper

- In a hot heavy based saucepan add the olive oil and the chopped celery carrot onion garlic.
Cook on a low heat 20 min until they are soft.
Add the tomatoes and cook for a further 20 min.

- Separate the leaves of the cavolo nero and the stalks.
In a pot of boiling salted water cook the cavolo nero leaves 3 min - until they are tender .
Drain and keep the cooking water.
Chop any large leaves into bite-size pieces.

Finely chop the stalks and bring to a gentle simmer 3 min and check the seasoning.
Drain and keep the cooking water.

- Add the borlotti beans to the tomato mixture and cook further 10 min.
Add three cups of the cavolo nero cooking water.
Bring to a gentle simmer for 5 min.

- Add the cavolo nero and the stalks with basil.
Check the seasoning and serve.

Friday 26 February 2016

Mini Frittata.

Mini Frittata - Oh Sweet Day!Oh Sweet Day!
Ingredients (8 mini frittatas):
6 large eggs
1/3 cup heavy cream
3 slices of deli meat of your choice (turkey, ham or roasted beef), roughly chopped
a handful of baby spinach, briefly chopped
1/4 cup frozen corn
1/3 cup shredded cheese of your choice
salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 175C.
Grease muffin tin or line with muffin liners.
In a large bowl, mix together eggs and cream until well combined.
Add remaining ingredients and mix well.
Spoon batter into the prepared muffin tin, about 3/4 full.
Transfer muffin tin to oven and bake for 18 to 20 minutes.
Transfer muffin tin to a wire rack and let cool completely.
Use a pairing knife to run around the edges of the frittatas to release them from the muffin tin.
The frittatas can be frozen up to a month.
Reheat in microwave before serving.

Sunday 21 February 2016

How to Make Makeshift Buttermilk

How to Make Makeshift Buttermilk

Cabbage. Smothered Cabbage, Venetian Style.

Weeknight Cabbage Recipes
- Marcella Hazan's Rice and Smothered Cabbage Soup Recipe on Food52
Once you've turned diced onion a deep golden-brown on the stovetop, you'll add a heap of finely shredded cabbage, 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar, salt, and pepper, and then cover the pan and leave it to cook for longer than seems reasonable: 1 1/2 hours (and that's the minimum).

Smothered Cabbage, Venetian Style
The technique involves cooking in a covered pan over low heat with a small amount of liquid, and can be seen as a form of stove-top braising.

1 kg green, red, or Savoy cabbage
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
Black pepper, ground fresh from the mill
1 tablespoon wine vinegar, white or red

Detach and discard the first few outer leaves of the cabbage.
The remaining head of leaves must be shredded very fine.
If you are going to do it by hand, cut the leaves into fine shreds, slicing them off the whole head.
Turn the head after you have sliced a section of it until gradually you expose the entire core, which must be discarded.
If you want to use the food processor, cut the leaves off from the core in sections, discard the core and process the leaves through a shredding attachment.

Put the onion and olive oil into a large sauté pan, and turn the heat on to medium.
Cook and stir the onion until it becomes colored a deep gold, then add the garlic.
When you have cooked the garlic until it becomes colored a very pale gold, add the shredded cabbage.
Turn the cabbage over 2 or 3 times to coat it well, and cook it until it is wilted.

Add salt, pepper, and the vinegar.
Turn the cabbage over once completely, lower the heat to minimum, and cover the pan tightly.
Cook for at least 1 1/2 hours, or until it is very tender, turning it from time to time.
If while it is cooking, the liquid in the pan should become insufficient, add 2 tablespoons water as needed.
When done, taste and correct for salt and pepper.
Allow it to settle a few minutes off heat before serving.
Note: The smothered cabbage can be prepared 2 or 3 days ahead of the soup, or served as a side dish from here.
It also freezes well.

Rice and Smothered Cabbage Soup

The Smothered Cabbage, from above
3 cups homemade meat broth (we used beef here, but chicken is also good), or 1 cup canned beef broth, diluted with 2 cups water
2/3 cup rice, preferably Italian Arborio rice
2 tablespoons butter
1/3 cup freshly grated parmigiano-reggiano cheese, plus more for serving
Black pepper, ground fresh from the mill

Put the cabbage and broth into a soup pot, and turn on the heat to medium.
When the broth comes to a boil, add the rice.
Cook uncovered, adjusting the heat so that the soup bubbles at a slow, but steady boil, stirring from time to time until the rice is done.
It must be tender, but firm to the bite, and should take around 20 minutes.
If while the rice is cooking, you find the soup becoming too thick, add a ladelful of homemade broth.
If you are not using homemade broth, just add water.
Remember that when finished, the soup should be rather dense, but there should still be some liquid.
When the rice is done, before turning off the heat, swirl in the butter and the grated Parmesan, stirring thoroughly.
Taste and correct for salt, and add a few grindings of black pepper.
Ladle the soup into individual bowls, and allow it to settle just a few minutes before serving.
Serve with more grated Parmesan.


- 15 Genius Tips for Better Salads, Even in Winter

- A Fruit Salad—With Dressing and Everything

Saturday 20 February 2016

Пудинг Евы.

Все очень просто - яблоки покрытые “Victoria sponge cake mixture” то есть английским бисквитным тестом.

Два варианта начинки:
8 полусладких и кислых яблок (очищенные, удалить сердцевину, нарезать)
1 чайная ложка корицы
1/4 чайной ложки молотого душистого перца
1/4 чайной ложки мускатного ореха
морская соль щепоть
2 столовые ложки свежего лимонного сока
1 столовую ложку кленового сиропа
1 столовую ложку кленового сахара
2 столовые ложки кукурузного крахмала
2 чайные ложки ванильного экстракта

1/2 чашки яблочного сидра или сока
1/3 чашки кленового сиропа
2 столовые ложки свежего лимонного сока (от 1 лимона)
2 чайные ложки кукурузного крахмала
1/8 чайной ложки молотой корицы (по желанию)
2 столовые ложки сливочного масла
5 полусладких и кислых яблок (очищенные, удалить сердцевину, нарезать)
1 яичный белок, слегка взбить
2 чайные ложки сахара

Взбить: сидр, сироп, лимонный сок, кукурузный крахмал, и корицу (если используется) вместе в средней миске до получения однородной массы.
Разогреть масло в 12-дюймовые чугунной сковороде на среднем огне.
Когда начнется пенообразование субсидии, добавить яблоки и варить осторожно, пока яблоки не начнут карамелизоваться (но они не должны развалиться).
Удалить сковороду с огня.
Залить взбитой смесью и осторожно перемешать чтобы все яблоки были хорошо покрыты.
Поставить на огонь и помешивая яблоки дать сиропу немного загустеть.

для бисквитного верха:
в большой емкости смешать - взбить:
100г сливочного масла (комнатной температуры),
100г сахарной пудры (или caster sugar - очень "мелкий" сахар в Британии - можно приготовить в домашних условиях путем измельчения обычного сахарного песка в течение нескольких минут в кухонном комбайне),
ванильного экстракта 1/2 чайной ложки
2 яйца легонько “взбить” вилкой до смешивания, не нужно взбивать миксером.
100гр муки (self-raising)
1/2 чайной ложки порошка - разрыхлителя
Хорошая щепотка соли
3-4 столовые ложки молока

Аккуратно вылить бисквитную смесь на яблоки и слегка разровнять.

Выпекать в предварительно разогретой до 180С духовке (160С - если духовка с вентилятором, газовая - марк 4) около 30-35 минут до золотисто-коричневого цвета (бисквита).
Подавать с заварным кремом, сливками, сметаной или мороженым - или любимое с детства - сгущенное молоко!
А можете приготовить крем английский “Custard” аналог русского Заварного крема.

Можно выпекать в порционных формочках на каждого.

Skillet Apple Pie.


8 medium sweet and tart apples, peeled cored, 1/2 halved, and cut into chunks
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
Pinch sea salt
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 tablespoon maple sugar
2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Make the filling:

Add apples to a large bowl along with remaining ingredients and toss until evenly combined.
Pour apple mixture into the heatproof skillet.
Cover with parchment paper and then foil.
Seal it well, place on a baking sheet and bake for 45 minutes 180C oven.
Test a few apples with a small, sharp knife, if they are still firm recover pie and continue baking for another 15 to 30 minutes until apples are tender but not mushy.
Once apples are cooked through remove cover and bake another 45 minutes.
Apples is ready when the juices have thickened and edge is a deep golden.
Remove from oven and set aside to cool.

For the topping: here!

Quickest turmeric dressing.

grate a knob of fresh turmeric on a microplane ( no need to peel) add
juice of half a lemon,
couple of tablespoons flax oil and
a drizzle of tamari.
Add steamed vegetables, toss and top with scallions, toasted black sesame and avocado.


Friday 19 February 2016

Каталог кулинарных блоггеров пишущих о еде .

- Журнал «BBQ»: Архив - Регулярно пополняемый каталог кулинарных коммьюнити и пишущих о еде блоггеров, составленный, насчитывает на сегодняшний день 381 электронный адрес.

- kitchenreader - Profile

Регулярно пополняемый каталог кулинарных коммьюнити и пишущих о еде блоггеров, составленный, насчитывает на сегодняшний день 381 электронный адрес. Кажется, не так уж много, но это число включает только тех, кто прицельно пишет о еде, напитках и рецептах. И не только пишет, но еще и прекрасно готовит. К слову сказать, большинство людей, пишущих о еде, – грамотные, эрудированные и очень талантливые кулинары. Правда, есть ресурсы, рассчитанные и на совершенно безруких холостяков, а то и вовсе на инопланетян. Но о них мы писать не будем, расскажем о лучших.

Полезные советы.

- Масло и лук, масло и морковь: взаимодействие

- Тема: Салат «Узбекистан»


Клубника в ревене.
Ревень порезать на 2 см кусочки, засыпать сахаром 1/5 от ревеня.
Залить дно кастрюли водой (15 мл) - только покрыть дно, чтобы ревень не пригорел при нагревании, затем сок будет выделяться and everything will be ok!
Дать закипеть и кипятить на самом маленьком огне 10-15 минут пока ревень не станет мягким.
Пюре взбить блендером до состояния сметаны.
В горячий мусс (я его так назову) опустить клубнику/землянику порезанную вдоль на четвертинки.
Дать постоять до остывания and enjoy!
Добавки к ревеню могут быть самыми различными - я люблю цедру апельсина.
А можно клубнику/землянику предварительно потомить/запечь в печи в смеси коричневого сахара и молотого кориандра 20-25 минут при температуре 180С на протвине застеленном фольгой.
Ревень рецепты:

Варим спагетти сразу с соусом.

One-Pan Pasta Recipe | Cooking | How To | Martha Stewart Recipes:
Итак, варим спагетти сразу с соусом:
"... в глубокую холодную сковороду закладываются:
оливковое масло,
все это заливается водой, варится 9 минут, и в итоге у вас вода выкипает в достаточном количестве и получаются спагетти сразу с соусом, причем спагетти нужной твердости и соуса тоже будет в самый раз!
Есть лучше все сразу, пока ароматное и горячее, после повторного разогревания вся прелесть, к сожалению, исчезает.

На 350 гр спагетти потребуется
- 350 гр помидор, (в рецепте черри - мы брали местные розовые мясистые, нарезанные четвертинками или если помидоры очень крупные на 1/8),
- 1 тонко нарезанная луковица,
- 4 нарезанных тонкими ломтиками дольки чеснока,
- 1/2 чайной ложки острого красного перца хлопьями,
- 2 столовых ложки оливкового масла,
- 2 веточки базилика,
- 2 чайные ложки крупной морской соли и
- 1/4 ч.л. свежесмолотого черного перца,
- 4,5 - четыре с половиной чашки воды (из расчета 1 чашка = 200 мл).

Доводите до кипения на большом огне и потом варите, помешивая, пока макароны не будут готовы, а вода почти полностью не испарится.
Возможно, время будет меняться в зависимости от твердости макарон, но в любом случае, если будете брать другое количество макарон, не забудьте пересчитать пропорцию и взять правильное количество воды и помидор, чтобы все получилось :)

Подавать рекомендуется со свежими листьями базилика - лично я давно превратилась в базиличного маньяка и кладу его себе обычно ну очень много, вот и сюда тоже :)
...но у меня базилик съеден улитками, я варила с таррагоном (французским), а готовое блюдо обильно посыпала кориандром/culantro - люблю!
С бледной, без кожи диетической курочкой.
'via Blog this'

Sunday 14 February 2016

Eve’s Pudding.

Adapted from Skillet Apple Pie - Filling.
Eve’s Pudding is a really nice way to finish a meal.
Because it is mostly apple (i.e. fruit), it is relatively light.
If you keep any additional sugar to a minimum, you have a lovely combination of sharp fruit with soft, golden sponge.
Aim to serve them warm, rather than piping hot, with a little cream or ice-cream.

Serves: 6 to 8

For the topping:
100g butter
100g caster sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 eggs beaten
100g self-raising flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
Good pinch of salt
3-4 tbsp milk

1/2 cup apple cider
1/3 cup maple syrup
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (from 1 lemon)
2 teaspoons cornstarch
1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional)
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
5 medium sweet and tart apples, peeled cored, 1/2 halved, and cut into chunks.
1 egg white, lightly beaten
2 teaspoons sugar

1. To make the topping:
Put 100g of butter plus the sugar, flour, baking powder, vanilla and eggs into a bowl, and mix until well-combined and creamy.
Add as much milk as necessary to make a the batter light, smooth and soft – it should drop gently off the back of a spoon, but should not be runny.

2. For the Filling:
Whisk cider, syrup, lemon juice, cornstarch, and cinnamon (if using) together in medium bowl until smooth.
Heat butter in 12-inch heatproof skillet over medium-high heat.
When foaming subsides, add apples and cook gently until the apples are starting to caramelize (they should not be mushy), about 5 minutes.
Remove pan from heat, add cider mixture, and gently stir until apples are well coated.
Place into a deep oven dish or divide between six individual ramekins.
Set aside to cool slightly.

3. To Assemble and Bake:
Preheat the oven to 180°C
Pour the topping over the apples, and spread it out until roughly even.
Don’t obsess about this, as part of the charm (particularly with the ramekins) is that you get gaps where the apple peeks out.
Put in the oven and bake until the topping is just golden and the sponge topping is springy (10-15 minutes for ramekins, 25-30 minutes for a single dish).

Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly.
Serve warm with cream, creme fraiche, yoghurt or ice-cream.
Eve’s Pudding | LondonEats

Saturday 13 February 2016

Chickpea & Sweet Potato Noodle Soup.

Chickpea & Sweet Potato Noodle Soup - My New RootsMy New Roots
Spicy Chickpea & Sweet Potato Noodle Soup
Serves 4-6

1 Tbsp. coconut oil or ghee
2 tsp. ground turmeric
2 tsp. ground ginger
1 tsp. caraway seeds
1 tsp. hot smoked paprika
½ tsp. ground cinnamon
½ tsp. freshly grated nutmeg
1 pinch saffron (about 40 threads) soaked in 2 Tbsp. hot water
3 medium onions
1 tsp. fine grain sea salt
400ml canned whole tomatoes
170g tomato paste (1 small can)
1 ½ cup dried chickpeas OR 3 cups / 500g cooked chickpeas (about 2 cans)
1 cup dried lentils, soaked overnight if possible
1 medium sweet potato
3 slices lemon
5 cups water
½ cup / 20g cilantro, leaves and tender stems only, plus more for garnish
½ cup / 20g flat-leaf parsley, leaves and tender stems only, plus more for garnish
sea salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
cold-pressed olive oil and lemon wedges for serving

1. If using dried chickpeas, soak them in pure water overnight with an acidic medium, such as apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.
The next morning, drain and rinse.
Place in a large stockpot, cover with fresh water, bring to a boil and simmer until tender, about 45 minutes.
About 30 minutes into cooking, add about a tablespoon of salt.
Drain and rinse.

2. Place saffron threads in a small cup with about 2 tablespoons of recently-boiled water.
Let steep for 10-15 minutes.

3. Peel and dice onions.
Heat coconut oil in a large stockpot over medium-high heat.
Add the turmeric, ginger, caraway, paprika, cinnamon, and nutmeg.
Stir to blend, and cook for 1-2 minutes until fragrant.
Lower the heat to medium, add onions and salt, stir to coat.
Cook until translucent and slightly caramelized, about 10 minutes (add a little water to the pot if it becomes dry).
Add the steeped saffron liquid, the canned tomatoes (break up any large pieces), tomato paste, chickpeas, lentils, lemon slices and water.
Bring to a boil, reduce to simmer and cook covered until the lentils are tender, 15-25 minutes depending on whether or not you soaked them.

4. While the soup is cooking, make the sweet potato noodles.
Scrub the sweet potato well under running water if it is organic, and peel it if it is not.
Spiralize the potato if you have a spiralizer, or use a julienne peeler to create long, thin noodle-like strips.
Wash the herbs well, spin dry and roughly chop, removing any tough stems.

5. Add the sweet potato noodles and herbs to the pot, stir to incorporate and let simmer for 5 minutes.
Season to taste.

6. Ladle out desired amount of hot soup into bowls.
Drizzle each serving generously with olive oil and top with more herbs.
Serve with a wedge of lemon, and enjoy.

3 Best Pierogi Dough.

3 Best Pierogi Dough Recipes | Food'n'chef

Friday 12 February 2016

Toastie - поджаренный бутерброд.

Я опишу рецепт на три бутерброда - нас трое!

- Приготовить 6 одинаковых ломтиков хлеба.
Я предварительно замораживаю хлеб в морозильнике по двум причинам:
- если куплен ненарезанный хлеб, его легче нарезать на ломти, когда он заморожен, и легче намазать его ровным слоем масла.
- поставить нагреваться сковороду - гриль на средний огонь.
- поджарить три тонких ломтика Прошутто (итальянская ветчина - куплена нарезанной на тончайшие ломтики)
- тем временем намазать маслом одну сторону хлеба
- поджарить 3 ломтика хлеба маслом вниз на той же сковороде (ветчину я просто отодвигаю на край)
- сверху хлеба равномерно распределить кусочки Бри (мягкий сыр из коровьего молока)
- сверху покрыть тосты Прошутто
- закрыть бутерброд ломтиками хлеба - маслом вверх
- аккуратно при помощи кулинарных щипцов перевернуть бутерброды, покрыть их слоем фольги и сверху поставить тяжелую чугунную сковороду - груз
- дать поджариться до румяной корочки насколько минут и можно подавать на стол!


toastie - a toasted sandwich or snack.
Lorraine Pascale's Prosciutto and brie toastie | Celebrity Kitchen: in Engl.
This is one of Lorraine Pascale's favourite snacks. It can be ready in minutes and is wholesome and tasty enough to give anyone's tastebuds a treat. It's ready in a few minutes and you can substitute the prosciutto for bacon if you prefer.


3 Slices of prosciutto
2 slices chunky white bread
Brie commonly available in 200gram packs
Fresh ground pepper
Butter for spreading
Dash of Olive oil

Lorraine starts by adding 3 slices of prosciutto to a hot oiled pan.
She then places one piece of buttered bread, butter side down into the pan next to the prosciutto, and breaks off chunks of brie which she places on top of the bread until the surface is covered.
Just as the prosciutto starts to crisp up, Lorraine uses some tongs to move the slices ontop of the bread and brie (everything is still the the pan at this stage).
Lorraine butter another piece of bread and grinds a good measure of pepper over it before placing it butter side up on top of the other ingredients in the pan.
She uses a sturdy fish slice to press the sandwhich together before (i did it after!) turning the whole thing over to brown the other side.
After a couple of minutes, Lorraine removes the toastie from the pan, slices it in half and serves with a good squidge of brown sauce.

More: - How to make the PERFECT cheese toastie and grilled cheese sandwich | Daily Mail Online

'You'll need a some good quality sourdough, Heidi Farm Gruyere, Bulla Crème Fraiche and dry white wine.
The mix of Gruyere and Creme Fraiche is the secret to a perfect toastie as the combination of cheeses creates a delicious fondue.
I like to make cheese a meal not just a cheese starter plate - try including a bit of goats cheese, and fresh grapes that are in season at the moment.'

8 slices of sourdough loaf bread
Unsalted butter (at room temperature)
300g Gruyere, grated
50ml Crème Fraiche
4 bulbs of shallots, finely diced
100ml dry white wine
salt to season
Butter one side of each slice of bread.
Place 4 slices on your bench, buttered side down.
In a separate bowl, mix the grated cheese with the shallots and garlic before combining with the crème fraiche.
Distribute the cheese mixture over the 4 slices ensuring that it is the same thickness as the slice of bread.
Place the remaining 4 slices on top, buttered side up.
Heat a large non-stick frying pan over medium high heat for 2 minutes.
Put the sandwiches in the frying pan, in batches if necessary, and cook for 2-3 minutes, until the undersides are golden brown and the cheese has slowly started to melt.
At this stage, brush the top of the sandwich with the white wine, ensuring it soaks in well.
Turn the sandwiches with a spatula, pressing firmly.
Cook for a further 2 minutes, until the undersides are golden brown and brush the top with the white wine so that both sides are now crisp and flavoured with the wine. Serve immediately with a sprinkle of pink salt on top.

- How to make french toast - Indian Simmer
- Meyer Lemon French Toast | Williams-Sonoma Taste

Thursday 11 February 2016

Blood Oranges.

Ingredient Spotlight: Blood Oranges | Williams-Sonoma Taste
Next time you’re making a salad or dessert with oranges, reach for blood oranges instead.
Store them at room temperature for several days or refrigerated in a plastic bag for up to 3 weeks.
Prep tips: Before peeling a blood orange, squeeze it between your palms or roll it on a countertop, pressing down firmly. This will make the orange a little juicier and easier to peel. To juice it, cut the orange in half and use a juicer or reamer to extract the liquid. You may also remove the zest from an orange or segment it before using in a recipe.
Uses: Savor the unique flavor of blood oranges by eating them fresh, either segmented or sliced in salads and salad dressings or as a topping for a dessert.
They are also delicious in preserves, such as a compote or marmalade (see a recipe below).

Strawberry-Rhubarb Jam.

Strawberries and rhubarb are the long-awaited first sign of spring fruit.
Because both are low in pectin, this recipe adds the peel and the flesh of oranges to give this bright-flavored, tangy jam the body it needs.
Set it out with cream scones, biscuits or crusty bread.

2 oranges, preferably blood oranges
1 Kg rhubarb, cut into 1-2 cm chunks (about 6 cups)
3 cups strawberries, hulled and sliced
4 cups sugar
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice

Cut the ends off each orange.
Cut the oranges in half crosswise and remove the seeds.
Place the orange halves in a food processor and process until roughly pureed.
Transfer to a nonreactive bowl.
Add the rhubarb, strawberries and sugar and toss gently to combine.
Cover and refrigerate for at least 8 hours or up to overnight.

Have ready 7 hot, sterilized half-pint jars and their lids.
Place 2 or 3 small plates in the freezer.

Transfer the rhubarb mixture to a large nonreactive saucepan and add the lemon juice.
Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, reduce the heat to medium and cook, uncovered, stirring frequently, for 10 minutes.
Remove from the heat.
To test if the jam is ready, put 1 tsp. of the jam on a chilled plate and place in the freezer for 2 minutes.
The jam is ready if it wrinkles when nudged gently with a finger.
If it doesn’t, continue to cook for 1 to 2 minutes more, remove from the heat and test again on a clean chilled plate.

Ladle the hot jam into the jars, leaving 6 millimetres of headspace.
Remove any air bubbles and adjust the headspace, if necessary.
Wipe the rims clean and seal tightly with the lids.

Process the jars in a boiling-water bath for 10 minutes.
The sealed jars can be stored in a cool, dark place for up to 1 year.
If a seal has failed, store the jar in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.
Makes 7 half-pint jars.
From - williams-sonoma

Rhubarb And Blood Oranges compote.

Nigel Slater's little rhubarb tarts, and rhubarb and blood oranges recipes | Life and style | The Guardian:
"Rhubarb And Blood Oranges"
Rhubarb and orange is an established pairing that turns up in jams, custard-based fools and sorbets.
Earlier in the week I took the partnership further, by baking the two together to produce a sweet-sharp breakfast compote (though it made a fine dessert, too).
A good start to a winter's day.

Serves 4

rhubarb 400g
blood oranges 6
sugar 3 tbsp

Trim the rhubarb and cut into short pieces.
Put it into an ovenproof dish.
Set the oven at 200C/gas mark 6.
Remove the peel from 4 of the oranges.
Slice the oranges.
You should get about 6 slices from each.
Tuck them amongst the rhubarb. Scatter over the sugar.
Squeeze the remaining 2 oranges into a jug and pour over the rhubarb.
Bake for 25-35 minutes in a covered dish.
Serve warm or thoroughly chilled.
'via Blog this'

How to Roast Fall and Winter Vegetables.

The Food Lab: How to Roast Fall and Winter Vegetables | Serious Eats

Roasted beetroot and lentil salad.

Roasted beetroot and lentil salad recipe - Telegraph
The ingredients:
1kg small 'Detroit Dark Red' and 'Burpee's Golden' beetroots, peeled
1 red onion, peeled
1 tbsp honey
2 tbsp unfiltered olive oil
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
salt and pepper
250g precooked beluga lentils
1 handful of beet leaves, finely shredded
juice and rind of 1 orange
a few sprigs of mint and dill
100ml crème fraîche

Cut the beetroot and onions into quarters.
Arrange in a roasting tin and drizzle over the honey, olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Do not toss together as the red beets will stain the yellow ones.
Season with salt and pepper.

Roast the beetroot in a preheated 200°C/400°F/gas mark 6 oven for 45 minutes or until tender.
Spoon the lentils onto a plate and arrange the beet leaves around them.
Top with roasted beetroot, drizzle with the orange juice and scatter over herbs and orange rind.
Serve with a dollop of crème fraîche and extra oil and vinegar.
This salad is a match made in heaven with goat's cheese or grilled mackerel.

if you bought cooked beet it as an option:

combine the 1/3 cup inexpensive balsamic vinegar and 1 tablespoon maple syrup in a small skillet.
Cook over medium heat until the liquid is reduced by about half (if shoul lightly coat the back of a metal spoon).
Pay close attention and be sure not to over-reduce it; it goes from sweet and syrupy to burnt and hard very quickly.
Toss the glaze with the roasted beets and chill until ready to serve.

More: - Dinner Tonight: Beet, Avocado, and Goat Cheese Salad | Serious Eats

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Homemade Mixed Vegetable Chutney.

Chop chop chop chopping! Dice dice dice dice dicing!
And - Bob's your uncle!

1 kg courgettes (or zucchini)
1 hot pepper
2 bell pepper
Garlic 100 g (I usually 7 clove - this is not 100 g)
250 grams of Tomato Passata (tomato sauce) - 1 cup
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon salt
2 tablespoons 9% vinegar (I used 3 tablespoons balsamic)
(Get 3 500 grams sterilised preserving jars)

An excellent alternative to the traditional ketchup.
We eat as a vegetable chutney.

Courgettes, hot peppers and sweet bell peppers, garlic - all peeled and cut into small cubes.
Pour the passata (tomato sauce) in a saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom) on a medium heat.
When the sauce comes to the boil, add the butter, sugar, salt and vinegar.
Then put the mixture of zucchini, peppers in a pan and stir once again and bring to a boil.
After boiling, low the heat - to a gentle bubbling simmer, cover with lid (leaving the lid ever so slightly ajar - allow some steam to escape) about 40 minutes, do not forget from time to time to stir.
Add the garlic 5 minutes before end off.
You can add smoked paprika to taste.
The acuteness of the chutney can vary depend of the amount of hot pepper and garlic.
So, chutney are ready.

Pour hot chutney into sterilized jars,
put sealed lids,
turn jars upside down and leave to cool under a warm blanket for about 1 day until cool.
Store in refrigerator.

Seasoned Advice.

Seasoned Advice
Seasoned Advice is a question and answer site for professional and amateur chefs. It's 100% free, no registration required.

How to Cook Pasta.

The Food Lab: A New Way to Cook Pasta? | Serious Eats
- If you're really keen on saving time and energy, you can do what I do: put half the water in the pot, and heat the other half in an electric kettle as the first half heats up.
Add the two together, and you've got boiled water in half the time.
Then all you have to do is dump the pasta, bring it back to a boil, stir, cover, and wait.
Now that's using your noodle!

Mexican tortilla bake. Mary Berry.

BBC Food - Recipes - Mexican tortilla bake
Slightly adapted from Mary Berry.
Serves 3
Think Mexican lasagne using ready-made tortillas instead of sheets of pasta.

The ingredients for the mince are:
1 tbsp olive oil,
1 large red onions, chopped,
250g beef mince,
1 mild red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped,
1 red pepper, deseeded and diced,
2 garlic cloves, crushed,
1 tbsp ground cumin,
1 tbsp ground coriander,
2 tbsp tomato purée,
1–2 tbsp mango chutney,
400g tins chopped tomatoes (I replaced on my Homemade Mixed Vegetable Chutney.),
1 small bunch fresh coriander, chopped and
salt and freshly ground black pepper.

To assemble:
3 tortilla wraps - D20 cm,
125g full-fat mascarpone,
240g mozzarella, grated and
150g cheddar.

Preheat the oven to 160C/140C Fan/Gas 3.
Pour the oil into a large ovenproof frying pan over a medium heat, add the onions and fry for 3 minutes.
Turn up the heat, add the mince and fry until brown, breaking the meat up with a wooden spoon and stirring occasionally.
Add the chilli, red pepper, garlic and spices and fry for 5 minutes, or until all the moisture has evaporated and the mixture is quite dry.
Stir in the tomato purée, mango chutney, tinned tomatoes and salt and black pepper.
Cover with a lid, bring to the boil and transfer to the oven (160C) to simmer for an hour.
Remove from the oven and stir in half the coriander.

Increase the oven temperature to 200C/180C Fan/Gas 6.
Lay one tortilla over the bottom of the shallow ovenproof dish.
Spread the mascarpone (see tip) over the tortilla and sprinkle with mozzarella and Cheddar cheeses.
Spread a third of the cooked mince beef mixture over the tortilla and lay one tortilla wrap on top.
Spread a mascarpone (see tip) over the tortilla and sprinkle with a part of the mozzarella and Cheddar cheeses.
Repeat more, so you have 4 layers of the tortilla - last: tortilla wrap on top.
Bake in the oven for about 25 minutes until golden-brown and bubbling.
Set aside for 5 minutes before serving and garnish with the remaining coriander.

Recipe Tips
If your mascarpone is firm, you might find it easier to spread the mascarpone on each tortilla first before adding to the dish.

If covered and chilled in the fridge, you can assemble this dish up to 6 hours ahead. Simply bake at 200C/180C Fan/Gas 6 for 25 minutes, or until golden and bubbling.

If uncooked and covered, this dish freezes very well.

Monday 8 February 2016

Slow Cooker and Dutch Oven Conversion Guide 

Slow Cooker and Dutch Oven Conversion Guide 

Best Juice Recipes.

Best Juice Recipes | Williams-Sonoma Taste

How to Poach an Egg.

How to Poach an Egg | Williams-Sonoma Taste

Korean Beef Noodles .

Korean Beef Noodles | Williams-Sonoma Taste

Beef Stew with Bacon.

Beef Stew with Bacon | Williams-Sonoma Taste
3 lb. (1.5 kg) boneless beef chuck
2 Tbs. canola oil
4 thick slices applewood-smoked bacon, chopped
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
1 yellow onion, chopped
3 carrots, cut into chunks
3 celery stalks, cut into 1/2-inch (12-mm) lengths
2 garlic cloves, chopped
2 Tbs. unsalted butter
6 Tbs. all-purpose flour
4 cups (32 fl. oz./1 l) beef stock or broth
2 Tbs. tomato paste
1 Tbs. chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley, plus more for garnish
1 tsp. minced fresh thyme
1 tsp. minced fresh rosemary
1 bay leaf
1 1/4 lbs. (675 g) red-skinned potatoes

How to Make the Perfect Crepe.

How to Make the Perfect Crepe | Williams-Sonoma Taste
Sweet Crepes

1/2 cup water
1/2 cup milk
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 eggs
Melted unsalted butter for greasing pan

Prepare crepes according to the directions below. Serves 4.

Pork belly roast.

From cookbook Mamushka by Olia Hercules the ex-Ottolenghi chef putting Ukrainian food on the map in London.

If you dont have fancy/beloved fermented miropoix*, use saurkraut instead.
Mix it with grated fresh apple, toasted fennel and carawai seeds, prunes and dried apricots.
Thats your bed.
Then mix: soy sauce, mustard, bit of nutmeg, clove, cardamom (black and green), good vinegar, maple syrup, grated garlic and ginger - marinate the pork in it.
Put pork and marinade over the saurkraut.
Roast as you would a good pork belly.

*Мирпуа (фр. mirepoix), или суповая зелень (нем. Suppengrün) — овощная смесь в европейской кухне из корнеплодов (морковь, брюква, корень сельдерея, корень петрушки), луковых (порей, репчатый лук) и столовой зелени (петрушка, листья сельдерея, тимьян и др.), которая добавляется в бульон для придания ему аромата.

Watermelon Rind Jam.

Olia Hercules' Watermelon Rind Jam Recipe on Food52
Olia Hercules’ Watermelon Rind Jam
Slightly adapted from Mamushka
Makes two 450-milliliter jars

- 500 grams watermelon skin, tough thin green rind peeled and discarded, white skin finely chopped

- 300 grams golden caster sugar (or substitute superfine sugar or demerara or turbinado, ground fine in the food processor)
4 limes, halved and thinly sliced

Mix all the ingredients together in a container, cover with cling film, and leave in the refrigerator overnight.
Cook the mixture in a non-reactive saucepan over low heat, making sure the sugar melts before it boils, for 50 minutes or until the watermelon skin turns translucent.
Pour into 2 warm sterilized 450-milliliter jars, seal and let cool.
Store in the refrigerator.
It should keep unopened for several months.

Sunday 7 February 2016

Мясное блюдо выходного дня.

Weekend Pot Roast.
Что такое Pot Roast?
Это скорее метод:
Возьмите большой срез жесткой говядины,
Обжарьте его на сильном огне до коричневого цвета,
и тушите его на маленьком огне под крышкой с ароматическими травами и бульоном до мягкого состояния.

Этот рецепт даст идею блюда которое можно изменять согласно собственным вкусам.
Главное достоинство - рационально, быстро и просто.
Нужен довольно большой кусок говядины (баранины, свинины) и достаточное количество жидкости, так, что бы покрыть как минимум половину  объема мяса в посуде, где оно будет готовиться, однако, же в конечном итоге, количество овощей, зелени, специев, и даже той же жидкости вы можете использовать на свой вкус.
Лук, морковь, сельдерей являются классическими составляющими, но можно также прибавить укроп, пастернак и помидоры.
Если тушить большой кусок мяса в небольшом количестве жидкости на медленном огне, то остаток его можно использовать в течение недели на бутерброды и в салаты.
Weekend Pot Roast! или Воскресное жаркое!

1 килограмм говядины
1 литр бульона (говяжий, куриный, овощной или даже пиво)
1 головка лука
2-4 моркови
2-4 зеленых черешка сельдерея
2-4 дольки неочищенного чеснока
Свежая зелень: майоран, тимьян, орегано, розмарин
лавровый лист
соль и перец

Овощи порезать по вашему вкусу.

Мясо натереть солью и перцем.
Обжаривать мясо нужно на сильно разогретой сковороде.
Проверить готовность сковороды можно так: вылить на сковороду небольшое количество растительного масла -1 чайную ложку, если оно слегка! задымилось - сковорода готова.

Обжарить на сильном огне все стороны мяса.
Выложить обжаренное мясо на тарелку.

Несколько советов:
Подобное обжаривание придает мясным блюдам удивительную глубину вкуса.
Кроме того, оно придает мясу аппетитный цвет и убивает все бактерии, которые могут быть на поверхности мяса.
Обязательно ли это обжаривание?
Ну ... технически, нет. Но глубина и насыщенность аромата мяса, что получается в результате обжаривания стоят того!

Секреты успеха:

- Наливать масло очень тонким и ровным слоем- увеличить контакт мяса со сковородой ( я обжариваю мясо в чугунной кастрюле.)
- Использовать достаточно большую сковороду, кусок или куски мяса не должны касаться друг друга или стенок сковороды.
- Набраться терпения! После того как мясо положено в кастрюлю, пусть будет так. Не пытайться перемещать мясо внутри кастрюли раньше, чем оно само это сделает!
Нужно встряхнуть кастрюлю через несколько минут после обжаривания!
Если мясо переместилось после встряхивания - значит оно готово быть перевернутым на сковороде.

После обжаривания мяса в кастрюле, слить лишний жир.
Там будет небольшие остатки мяса на дне.
Налить несколько столовых ложек воды/вина (достаточного, чтобы покрыть дно кастрюли), сковорода все еще на огне!
Деревянной ложкой соскрести все остатки мяса со дна сковороды энергично до тех пор пока жидкость не закипит.
Не давать ей кипеть более нескольких секунд. (Вот таким образом deglazed*/ дегласировать сковороду и полученную жидкость использовать для пригоовления соуса или подливки.)
Сковороду снять с огня.
Положить обжаренное мясо обратно в сковороду и залить остальным бульоном.
Бульон должен покрывать как минимум половину высоты мяса.
Уложить овощи и зелень вокруг мяса.
Накрыть кастрюлю плотно пригнанной крышкой и поставить в духовку нагретую до 180°C.
После 30 минут убавить температуру до 110°C.
Тушить мясо в течение 2-3 часов, до тех пор пока вилка не войдет легко в мясо.
Вынуть говядину из жидкости и дать ему отдохнуть в течение 10 минут перед нарезкой - накрыв мясо фольгой.
Количество времени для отдыха мяса зависит от размера куска, как правило, от 10 до 20 минут.
За это время из оставшейся жидкости можно сделать соус.
Тушеными овощями гарнировать мясо.

*deglaze - дегласировать
наливать жидкость (вино, бульон, воду или сливки) в сковороду или кастрюлю, где только что жарились или запекались мясо или овощи, для того чтобы включить частицы, оставшиеся на дне посуды, в соус или подливкую
How To: Deglaze a Pan | The Kitchn
Basic Recipe Template: Weekend Pot Roast Here!
What Is Pot Roast?
Pot roast isn't really a specific recipe or cut of meat, it's more of a method: Take a big cut of tough beef, brown it if you can, then cover and slow cook it with aromatics and liquid (stock, broth, wine, or water) until meltingly tender.

Составы для смазывания формочек, противня и столешницы.

Составы для смазывания формочек, противня и столешницы - Люда


By: Mark R. Vogel
Sautéing is cooking food in a small amount of fat over high heat. A sauté pan, (a.k.a. skillet or frying pan), with straight sides is known as a sautoir, and with sloping sides, a sauteuse. A high quality sauté pan is imperative for successful sautéing. Heavy gauge stainless steel with aluminum sandwiched in-between is my favorite metallurgic configuration. Cast iron would also be a top contender if not plagued by nettlesome cleaning and maintenance issues. Either pan will distribute heat evenly without burning your food and be highly responsive to sudden temperature adjustments. Heavy gauge stainless or cast iron will also ensure the base of the pan stays flat and does not warp with use. An uneven bottom will produce unevenly cooked food and “hot spots” where food can scorch.

-Considered a dry heat method, sautéing is an ideal means for searing or browning food, a process that imparts significant flavor. To accomplish this you need high heat and must not introduce the food until the pan and fat have been heated first. If the pan/fat are not hot enough, the food will not sear properly, is likely to stick, and will absorb some of the fat. The fats utilized most often are oil and butter or some combination thereof. The only problem with butter is it readily burns due to the milk solids. This can be circumvented by clarifying the butter, thus eliminating the milk solids and raising the smoke point. Finally, various animal fats can be employed such as chicken or duck fat, lard or bacon drippings. If you want unparalleled flavor and are not burdened by the dubious fears over animal fats, they are an excellent sautéing medium.

-Virtually all foods can be sautéed with a few caveats. With red meat, only tender cuts can be employed. Because it is a dry heat method, sautéing will make tough cuts of meat even tougher. Thus, you can sauté a filet mignon or strip steak, but never the shank or brisket. You might start the shanks in a sauté pan to brown them, but they would need to be finished with a wet heat method such as braising. Even tender steaks that are thick, (beyond an inch), would first be seared in a sauté pan and then completed in the oven. This is why professional cooks prefer pans without those rubber handles: so they can be placed directly into an oven.

-You would also never sauté an entire roast or chicken. By the time the center of a roast or bird was cooked in a sauté pan, the exterior would be burnt beyond edibility. Sautéing is better suited for thinner cuts of meat, (fish, veal and chicken fillets), or meat cut into pieces or strips. All vegetables can be sautéed although harder ones, e.g., root vegetables, may need to be cut smaller. Sautéing is quick cooking. You are seeking to sear the food rapidly and remove it immediately or shortly thereafter. Thus, the food must be small and/or tender enough so that the center is done by the time the outside has browned.

-If you are sautéing a compilation of items, cut them to the same size to ensure even cooking. However, some foods are harder than others. A one-inch slice of zucchini will cook faster than a one-inch slice of carrot. Thus, you will need to compensate by cutting the harder components smaller, or introducing the ingredients to the pan in descending order of cooking time. But of course there are still exceptions to this. Some recipes begin with aromatic items such as chopped garlic or ginger being sautéed first. This is to facilitate infusing the ensuing constituents with their essence. Here you must watch the heat since these delicate aromatics can burn by the time you have completed sautéing the remaining ingredients.

-Finally, do not overfill the sauté pan. Excessive food will drop the heat and cause the items to steam, not brown. It is far better to sauté your food in batches than crowd the pan and produce limp offerings.

-And that brings us to non-stick pans. Most people don’t realize that a regular pan is almost as slick as a non-stick if used properly. With a few exceptions, most foods do not require a non-stick pan. The problem with non-stick pans is that they are not conducive to making as flavorful a sauce as a regular pan. After an item, especially a protein, has been sautéed, a highly sapid, caramelized residue known as the “fond” is left in the bottom of the pan. Pan sauces are made by dissolving the fond with liquid, (wine, stock, citrus juices, etc.), a process known as “deglazing.” Non-stick pans do not produce a sufficient fond to accomplish this critical task.

-So how do you prevent food from sticking in a traditional sauté pan?
Let’s assume you wish to sauté a chicken cutlet.
Brush the cutlet lightly with oil. A uniform application of oil will eliminate any sticking spots and produce an equally uniform sear.
Heat your pan over a medium-high to high flame. Heating the pan first achieves two goals. First, the expansion of the metal will fill tiny scratches where food can stick. Second, adding the fat to an already hot pan will allow the fat to get hotter faster. The reduced thermal trip to target temperature will cause the fat to deteriorate less.
Add the oil and do not introduce the food until the oil just starts to smoke.
Place the chicken in the pan and do not move it until the first side has seared. The seared exterior will prevent the sticking. Moving the food around will thwart the development of a good sear. If your pan was hot enough to begin, you will be able to flip the chicken with minimal resistance.

This same technique applies to any other protein you may sauté.

-An exception to the “don’t move the food” rule is vegetables, particularly if they are diced. Obviously you will need to move them around so all of their sides sauté properly. But allow them to cook undisturbed for some time between each stir or flip.
'via Blog this'

How To Sear Meat Properly.

How To Sear Meat Properly — Cooking Lessons from The Kitchn | The Kitchn

Friday 5 February 2016

Fig, cranberry and gruyere tart.

Fig,cranberry and gruyere tart
Serves 6

1 sheet puff pastry
6 figs, cut into quarters
1/2 cup fresh cranberries
1 cup grated gruyere cheese
2tablespoons pine nuts
1 tablespoon olive oil

1.Preheat oven to 215C.
2.Butter an ovenproof dish.
3.Place the whole sheet of puff pastry into your dish, cut off any excess pastry. (If you need to roll it out to fit your dish, do it in a little all-purpose flour).
4.Fill with figs,cranberries, cheese and pine nuts.
5.Finish off with a little salt, pepper and oil.
6.Bake until golden, about 20-25 minutes.


Tuesday 2 February 2016

Borscht, Borsch or Borshch?

Borscht, Borsch or Borshch? | All Things Good
Mystery seems to roll across the vast Russian landscape like a Siberian blanket of snow, spreading a dusting of enigma on nearly every aspect of life – including food. Or so is the case with Borshch, one of the great soups of the world that serves up its own culinary mystery in its seemingly endless varieties and different spellings.

Borscht. Borsch. Bortsch. Borstch. Borshtch. Borsh. Borshch.

But, what exactly is Borsch?

While “cultured” Americans are likely to spell it with a ‘t’ (Borscht) and describe it as “a beet soup served chilled”, with a little detective work we learned that during the long Russian winters, Borshch is served piping hot and is spelled without the ‘t’ (Borshch).

According to Darra Goldstein in her book, A Taste of Russia, there are well over a hundred varieties of the soup with as many as twenty different ingredients – the common ingredient, nevertheless, being beets.

“As a general rule,” she writes, “the farther west one goes, the more beets are added to the soup.”

Here at ATG, “around our culinary table”, our favorite version of Borshch is a Muscovite-style, which is tomato based with a little bit of beef.

There are many variations of borscht!
...for example: Dr. Zhivago Borscht Recipe on Food52:

The difference between polenta and semolina.

The difference between polenta and semolina – Baking with Gab
Semolina is wheat, polenta is corn./Манная пшеничная крупа, кукурузная мамалыга.

Semolina is high in protein and fibre and low GI, so it’s good for you!
Semolina is a good option for people who need to monitor their glucose levels, like diabetics or dieters.
It is also a good source of vitamins E and B, which help your immune system.

Polenta is made up of complex carbohydrates high in dietary fibre, which means that they are a better source of energy than simple carbs.
Polenta is also high in zinc, and iron.

Alternative Flours: All About White Whole Wheat, Spelt, Rye, and More | Serious Eats

Semolina recipes:
- Sooji Upma (Indian Semolina Breakfast Dish) | Serious Eats

- Roman Semolina Gnocchi (Gnocchi alla Romana) | Serious Eats

- Semolina Cake (Revani) | Williams-Sonoma

- Orange Semolina Cake | Serious Eats

- Yotam Ottolenghi's semolina recipes: crisp couscous and saffron cakes, plus sweet root vegetable stew with semolina dumplings | Life and style | The Guardian

Polenta recipes:
The Real Rules of Making Polenta (Hint: They're Not What Everyone Says) | Serious Eats

- Breakfast Polenta - In Great Ideas: Breakfast Polenta | Serious Eats
The Ingredient List:
1 cup cornmeal
3 cups cold water
2 cups whole milk
¾ teaspoon salt
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Heavy cream (optional)
Cinnamon (optional)

Preparation Method:
1. In a medium saucepan combine 2 cups cold water and the 2 cups of whole milk and bring to a low boil over medium heat.
While waiting for it to boil, combine the 1 cup polenta and 1 cup cold water in a small bowl.
Stir to combine.

2. When the milk and water mixture begins to boil add the salt and stir.
Slowly add the polenta and water mixture, using a whisk to stir out any possible lumps.

3. Once all of the polenta is added, turn the heat to low and simmer, stirring frequently, until the polenta has thickened.
Depending on the coarseness of the meal, it may take 10-40 minutes.
I used an "instant" polenta with a fine grain purchased at a local Italian grocery and it took between 10-15 minutes to thicken.

4. Once thickened, add the brown sugar and vanilla extract and stir to combine.
Sprinkle in some cinnamon if you wish.

5. Ladle polenta into small bowls and top with a splash of cream and an extra sprinkling of brown sugar and cinnamon, if you'd like.
You can also top with fresh fruit.

6. If you have leftover polenta, line a loaf pan with plastic wrap and fill with the leftover polenta, cover with the plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
I have something special lined up that you'll see within the next few days!

Polenta recipes:
- Skip the Pasta and Make Lasagna With Polenta Instead | Serious Eats

- Parmesan Polenta with Sausage Ragù Recipe | SAVEUR

- April Bloomfield's Ricotta Gnudi | Serious Eats

- Dinner Tonight: Griddled Polenta Cakes with Caramelized Onions, Goat Cheese, and Honey (via Food52) | Serious Eats

- Polenta with Corn and Wild Rice- Polenta with Corn and Wild Rice Recipe | SAVEUR

- Dinner Tonight: Griddled Polenta Cakes with Caramelized Onions, Goat Cheese, and Honey (via Food52) | Serious Eats

- Cookie Monster: Lemon Polenta Cookies | Serious Eats

- Polenta With Winter Salad, Poached Egg, and Blue Cheese From 'Feast' | Serious Eats

Monday 1 February 2016

The Food Lab: The Best Caesar Salad.

The Food Lab: The Best Caesar Salad | Serious Eats

Mayo-Free Chicken Salad With Kimchi, Ginger, and Scallions.

- Mayo-Free Chicken Salad With Kimchi, Ginger, and Scallions | Serious Eats

- The Best Classic Chicken Salad | Serious Eats

- Season chicken generously with salt and pepper.
Slice 1 lemon into 1/8- to 1/4-inch slices.
Place chicken in zipper-lock bags or vacuum bags and add whole tarragon sprigs and lemon slices.
Remove air from zipper-lock bags by closing the bags, leaving the last inch of the top un-sealed.
Slowly lower into a pot of water, sealing the bag completely just before it fully submerges.
If using a vacuum bag, seal according to manufacturer instructions.

- Add 2 tablespoons juice and 1 teaspoon zest from remaining lemon to a large bowl.
Add mayonnaise, mustard, minced tarragon leaves, parsley, chives, red onion, celery, and garlic and mix with a rubber spatula.
Keep refrigerated until chicken is ready.

- When chicken is cooked, cut meat into 1/2-inch cubes and add to bowl with mayonnaise.
Fold gently to combine. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Add more mayonnaise, mustard, or lemon juice to taste if desired.
Serve with lettuce or in sandwiches.


Fermented kimchi reduces body weight and improves m... [Nutr Res. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI:
Kimchi is a traditional fermented Korean food that has garnered international interest due to its various beneficial effects.

- Kimchi : The Ultimate Kimchi Recipe.

- Kimchi Omelet | David Lebovitz:

- Fermented food: everything you need to know for your health - Telegraph
'via Blog this'

How To Make Easy Kimchi.

How To Make Easy Kimchi - Recipe | The Kitchn
How to Make Cabbage Kimchi

Makes 1 Liters/1 quart
What You Need
The Ingredient List:
1 medium head (1 kg/2 pounds) Chinese cabbage/napa cabbage
1/4 cup sea salt or kosher salt (see Recipe Notes)
Water (see Recipe Notes)
1 tablespoon grated garlic (5 to 6 cloves)
1 teaspoon grated ginger
1 teaspoon sugar
2 to 3 tablespoons seafood flavor or water (optional, see Recipe Notes)
1 to 5 tablespoons Korean red pepper flakes (gochugaru)
8 ounces Korean radish or daikon, peeled and cut into matchsticks
4 spring onion/scallions, trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces

Cutting board and knife
Large bowl
Gloves (optional but highly recommended)
Plate and something to weigh the kimchi down, like a jar or can of beans
Small bowl
Clean 1-quart jar with canning lid or plastic lid
Bowl or plate to place under jar during fermentation

Preparation Method:
Slice the cabbage:
- Cut the cabbage lengthwise into quarters and remove the cores.
Cut each quarter crosswise into 1.5 cm/2-inch-wide strips.
Salt the cabbage:
- Place the cabbage and salt in a large bowl.
Using your hands (gloves optional), massage the salt into the cabbage until it starts to soften a bit, then add water to cover the cabbage.
Put a plate on top and weigh it down with something heavy, like a jar or can of beans.
Let stand for 1 to 2 hours.
Rinse and drain the cabbage: Rinse the cabbage under cold water 3 times and drain in a colander for 15 to 20 minutes.
Rinse and dry the bowl you used for salting, and set it aside to use in step 5.
Make the paste:
- Meanwhile, combine the garlic, ginger, sugar, and seafood flavor (or 3 tablespoons water) in a small bowl and mix to form a smooth paste.
Mix in the red pepper flakes/gochugaru, using 1 tablespoon for mild and up to 5 tablespoons for spicy (I like about 3 1/2 tablespoons).
Combine the vegetables and paste:
- Gently squeeze any remaining water from the cabbage and return it to the bowl along with the radish, scallions, and seasoning paste.
Mix thoroughly:
- Using your hands, gently work the paste into the vegetables until they are thoroughly coated.
The gloves are optional here but highly recommended to protect your hands from stings, stains, and smells!
Pack the kimchi into the jar:
- Pack the kimchi into the jar, pressing down on it until the brine rises to cover the vegetables.
Leave at least 1 inch of headspace.
Seal the jar with te lid.
Let it ferment:
- Let the jar stand at room temperature for 1 to 5 days.
You may see bubbles inside the jar and brine may seep out of the lid; place a bowl or plate under the jar to help catch any overflow.
Check it daily and refrigerate when ready:
- Check the kimchi once a day, pressing down on the vegetables with a clean finger or spoon to keep them submerged under the brine. (This also releases gases produced during fermentation.)
Taste a little at this point, too!
When the kimchi tastes ripe enough for your liking, transfer the jar to the refrigerator.
You may eat it right away, but it's best after another week or two.
Recipe Notes
Salt: Use salt that is free of iodine and anti-caking agents, which can inhibit fermentation.
Water: Chlorinated water can inhibit fermentation, so use spring, distilled, or filtered water if you can.
Seafood flavor and vegetarian alternatives: Seafood gives kimchi an umami flavor.
Different regions and families may use fish sauce, salted shrimp paste, oysters, and other seafood.
Use about 2 tablespoons of fish sauce, salted shrimp paste, or a combination of the two.
For vegetarian kimchi, I like using 3/4 teaspoon kelp powder mixed with 3 tablespoons water, or simply 3 tablespoons of water.