anke_anke: Очередной маринад для курицы:
Рецепт из книги Steven Raichlen "The Barbecue Bible"
Курица в пиве по-бразильски
на 4 куриных окорочка общим весом около 1 кг
250 мл пива (я брала светлое)
60 мл растительного масла
60 г дижонской острой горчицы
1/2 ст.л. порошка сладкой паприки
1/2 ч.л. свежесмолотого черного перца
1 небольшая луковица, порезанная полукольцами
6 зубчиков чеснока, мелко порезанных
2 лавровых листа
Окорочка разрезать каждый на 2 части.
Смешать пиво, масло, горчицу, паприку и перец в кастрюле достаточного размера, в которую могут поместиться окорочка . Добавить лук, чеснок, лавровый лист и курицу, хорошо все перемешать. Закрыть крышкой и поставить в холодильник на 1-2 суток, минимум - на 6 часов, но подольше лучше :-) Периодически перемешивать.
В день приготовления достать из холодильника, вынуть части курицы из маринада, хорошо протереть салфетками и посолить. Маринад процедить.
Готовить на открытых углях по 12-15 минут с каждой стороны, последние 10 минут смазывать маринадом со всех сторон. Очень сочная и вкусная курица получается.
Можно приготовить и в духовке.
Противень надо выстелить фольгой, уложить на нее куски курицы, еще раз смазать собравшимся на дне посуды маринадом, плотно закрыть фольгу в виде конверта и поставить в заранее нагретую да 180-190 градусов духовку.
Примерно через полчаса, когда почувствуете изумительный аромат, раскройте фольгу и продолжайте выпекать бледное мясо до выпаривания жидкости и образования корочки аппетитного золотисто-коричневого цвета.
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Thursday, 31 July 2014
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Gooseberry Orange Jam. Gooseberry Jam With Carrot.
Gooseberry Orange Jam | From A Cabin Up North:
800 gr Gooseberries
Juice & Zest of 2 oranges
400 gr Sugar
Canning Jars
How to:
1. Wash the gooseberries, remove stems and crowns and heat.
Add the orange juice and zest and boil.
Add sugar. Stir with a wooden spoon.
Get it up to a rolling boil for about 20 minutes.
So...without water but little sugar stored in the refrigerator or eat immediately!
Red Gooseberry and Orange Jam
800 gr ripe red gooseberries
400 gr orange
170 gr raisins
400 gr sugar
Top and tail the gooseberries. Put them in a pot with the thinly pared and
finely shredded orange peel and the chopped pulp. Cook the fruit until
nearly tender; add the raisins and the sugar, and boil - not too fast - for
15 minutes or longer (or until the setting point is reached.) Pot and
seal while still hot.
This jam is nicest made with ripe red gooseberries, but yellow ones can be
used if they are not too ripe.
Gooseberry Jam With Carrot
500 grams of nice & crisp organic carrots, peeled & coarsely grated
500 grams of red gooseberries, topped & tailed
300 grams of sugar
Put grated carrots and cleaned gooseberries in a large saucepan and add a tiny drop of water (couple of spoonfuls will do). Bring slowly to the boil, releasing juices from carrots and gooseberries, and simmer on a low heat for 30 minutes. Stir regularly to avoid sticking.
Add sugar, simmer for another 15 minutes.
Let stand, covered, for 24 hours.* Bring to the boil again, simmer for 5-10 minutes and then pour into hot sterilised jars.
Keep in a cool place.
Yields 2-3 small jars.
* You can also pour the jam into jars straight away. I find the jam sets slightly better (thicker) when you let it stand and then reheat.
'via Blog this'Juice & Zest of 2 oranges
400 gr Sugar
Canning Jars
How to:
1. Wash the gooseberries, remove stems and crowns and heat.
Add the orange juice and zest and boil.
Add sugar. Stir with a wooden spoon.
Get it up to a rolling boil for about 20 minutes.
So...without water but little sugar stored in the refrigerator or eat immediately!
Red Gooseberry and Orange Jam
800 gr ripe red gooseberries
400 gr orange
170 gr raisins
400 gr sugar
Top and tail the gooseberries. Put them in a pot with the thinly pared and
finely shredded orange peel and the chopped pulp. Cook the fruit until
nearly tender; add the raisins and the sugar, and boil - not too fast - for
15 minutes or longer (or until the setting point is reached.) Pot and
seal while still hot.
This jam is nicest made with ripe red gooseberries, but yellow ones can be
used if they are not too ripe.
Gooseberry Jam With Carrot
500 grams of nice & crisp organic carrots, peeled & coarsely grated
500 grams of red gooseberries, topped & tailed
300 grams of sugar
Put grated carrots and cleaned gooseberries in a large saucepan and add a tiny drop of water (couple of spoonfuls will do). Bring slowly to the boil, releasing juices from carrots and gooseberries, and simmer on a low heat for 30 minutes. Stir regularly to avoid sticking.
Add sugar, simmer for another 15 minutes.
Let stand, covered, for 24 hours.* Bring to the boil again, simmer for 5-10 minutes and then pour into hot sterilised jars.
Keep in a cool place.
Yields 2-3 small jars.
* You can also pour the jam into jars straight away. I find the jam sets slightly better (thicker) when you let it stand and then reheat.
Strawberry and gooseberry jam.
River Cottage - River Cottage Community Recipes:
Strawberry and gooseberry jam
Makes 5-6 x 340g jars
150-200g gooseberries, topped and tailed
1kg strawberries, hulled, large ones halved
750-1kg jam sugar with added pectin (the more sugar you use, the firmer the set of the jam)
15-20g unsalted butter (optional)
unsalted butter, jam sugar, Gooseberries, Strawberries
Put the gooseberries in a saucepan with 100ml water.
Place on a low heat and cook gently until the gooseberries are tender but still holding their shape.
This should take 6-7 minutes, depending on their size and maturity. Meanwhile, place the strawberries in a roomy, heavy-based pan or a preserving pan.
The fruit should be no more than a third of the way up the pan to allow for a rapid rise when a rolling boil is reached.
When the gooseberries are cooked, add to the strawberries. Put the preserving pan on a gentle heat and add the sugar.
Heat gently, stirring, until the sugar has fully dissolved. Then increase the heat and bring the pan to a full rolling boil (i.e. when the surface is covered with a mass of foamy bubbles). Boil for 8-9 minutes, without stirring too much, until setting point is reached.
To check for setting point, drop a little jam onto a cold saucer, allow to cool for a minute then push gently with your fingertip. If the jam crinkles, setting point has been reached.
Remove the jam from the heat and, if the surface is scummy, add a knob of butter and keep stirring until the scum has dissolved.
Pot into warm, sterilised jars and seal immediately.
Label when cold.
Unopened and stored in a cool, dry place, the jam will keep for up to a year. Once opened, keep in the fridge or a cool larder and use within a few weeks.
Alice’s Gooseberry Jam recipe is from the earliest collection of celebrity recipes I know; “Celebrated Actor Folks’ Cookeries: A Collection Of The Favorite Foods of Famous Players” from 1916. Here it is:
Stew fruit in a kettle of water, press through coarse sieve, return to kettle and add three-quarters of a pound of sugar to each pound of fruit, after it is pulped. Boil three-quarters of an hour and pour into jars and seal carefully.
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Strawberry and gooseberry jam
Makes 5-6 x 340g jars
150-200g gooseberries, topped and tailed
1kg strawberries, hulled, large ones halved
750-1kg jam sugar with added pectin (the more sugar you use, the firmer the set of the jam)
15-20g unsalted butter (optional)
unsalted butter, jam sugar, Gooseberries, Strawberries
Put the gooseberries in a saucepan with 100ml water.
Place on a low heat and cook gently until the gooseberries are tender but still holding their shape.
This should take 6-7 minutes, depending on their size and maturity. Meanwhile, place the strawberries in a roomy, heavy-based pan or a preserving pan.
The fruit should be no more than a third of the way up the pan to allow for a rapid rise when a rolling boil is reached.
When the gooseberries are cooked, add to the strawberries. Put the preserving pan on a gentle heat and add the sugar.
Heat gently, stirring, until the sugar has fully dissolved. Then increase the heat and bring the pan to a full rolling boil (i.e. when the surface is covered with a mass of foamy bubbles). Boil for 8-9 minutes, without stirring too much, until setting point is reached.
To check for setting point, drop a little jam onto a cold saucer, allow to cool for a minute then push gently with your fingertip. If the jam crinkles, setting point has been reached.
Remove the jam from the heat and, if the surface is scummy, add a knob of butter and keep stirring until the scum has dissolved.
Pot into warm, sterilised jars and seal immediately.
Label when cold.
Unopened and stored in a cool, dry place, the jam will keep for up to a year. Once opened, keep in the fridge or a cool larder and use within a few weeks.
Alice’s Gooseberry Jam recipe is from the earliest collection of celebrity recipes I know; “Celebrated Actor Folks’ Cookeries: A Collection Of The Favorite Foods of Famous Players” from 1916. Here it is:
Stew fruit in a kettle of water, press through coarse sieve, return to kettle and add three-quarters of a pound of sugar to each pound of fruit, after it is pulped. Boil three-quarters of an hour and pour into jars and seal carefully.
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Monday, 28 July 2014
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Pickling Tips.
Expert Pickling Tips: Karen Solomon of Jam It, Pickle It, Cure it | Williams-Sonoma Taste:
Start simple, with perfect produce. “I’m always experimenting and coming up with new flavors, but the things I come back to again and again are the simplest: kosher dills, sauerkraut, and strawberry and blueberry jam.” Never pickle with produce of quality that you wouldn’t eat out of hand.
Pickle all year long. In the summer, Karen loves pickling cucumbers, green tomatoes and peppers, but her favorite pickles actually start with wintry ingredients, like cauliflower, cabbage and daikon radishes. “I love that they’re easy and seasonally unsensitive.”
Really scrub or trim your cucumbers to avoid mushy pickles. The blossom end of small pickling cukes contains an enzyme that will make your vegetables soften in the brine. Use a green kitchen scrubber to remove any trace of the tip, and snip away the stem. Also, don’t cook them! “If you boil cucumbers they will get soft and won’t stay crisp,” says Karen. “Quick, refrigerator pickles are a great way to go — they’re likely to be a lot crisper because they haven’t had heat on them.”
Go small batch. People used to put up fruits and vegetables by the bushel to take advantage of the season’s produce, which could be sitting on a shelf for a year. These days, we preserve for flavor and pleasure, not out of necessity. That means you can work with just a few jars at a time and do away with the canning and process altogether, if you like.
Don’t waste money on great vinegar. Inexpensive apple cider vinegar, red and white wine vinegar,and very inexpensive distilled white vinegar work wonderfully.
Yes, you can pickle fruits! Karen loves pickling grapes and cherries. Her advice: Use less vinegar when pickling fruits than vegetables, and use a lighter one, such as apple cider vinegar. A sweeter brine brings out the best flavor in the fruit. Firmer fruits like grapes and pineapple will hold up well, as well as underripe green fruits, while soft, ripe berries won’t last as long. See Karen’s recipe for green strawberry salsa here.
Use a bit of turmeric when pickling cauliflower. A half-teaspoon or so of ground turmeric mixed into the brine per pint jar will turn the vegetable a lovely yellow and help disguise discoloration.
Toast spices before adding them to a brine to really bring out their flavor. This is particularly important with Indian spices like coriander seed, whole fenugreek, and cumin seed, but also with chile flakes and peppercorns.
Don’t forget about citrus. A great pickle needs acid, but it needn’t all come from a vinegar bottle. Lemon juice and lime juice are astringent enough for quick pickles. Consider adding thinly sliced citrus rounds to beets, asparagus, green beans, carrots, berries, stone fruit or other vegetables and fruits.
Experiment. Classic spices are dill seed, celery seed, yellow and brown mustard seeds, garlic, bay leaves and whole black peppercorns. Consider also fresh ginger, green onion, shallots, dried chile peppers, fresh and dried herbs, Sichuan peppercorns, star anise and cinnamon sticks. “I’m a big fan of garlic, and I like caraway seed in my fermented pickles,” says Karen. “And I always need salt.”
Enjoy your handiwork! Besides putting homemade pickles on sandwiches, Karen recommends chopping them and adding them to potato salad, or sprinkling them on top of a green salad. She also adds them to Asian rice bowls, pan sauces, stir-frys, soups and savory pancakes.
Related Recipes
- Spicy Dilly Beans Recipe | Serious Eats:
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Start simple, with perfect produce. “I’m always experimenting and coming up with new flavors, but the things I come back to again and again are the simplest: kosher dills, sauerkraut, and strawberry and blueberry jam.” Never pickle with produce of quality that you wouldn’t eat out of hand.
Pickle all year long. In the summer, Karen loves pickling cucumbers, green tomatoes and peppers, but her favorite pickles actually start with wintry ingredients, like cauliflower, cabbage and daikon radishes. “I love that they’re easy and seasonally unsensitive.”
Really scrub or trim your cucumbers to avoid mushy pickles. The blossom end of small pickling cukes contains an enzyme that will make your vegetables soften in the brine. Use a green kitchen scrubber to remove any trace of the tip, and snip away the stem. Also, don’t cook them! “If you boil cucumbers they will get soft and won’t stay crisp,” says Karen. “Quick, refrigerator pickles are a great way to go — they’re likely to be a lot crisper because they haven’t had heat on them.”
Go small batch. People used to put up fruits and vegetables by the bushel to take advantage of the season’s produce, which could be sitting on a shelf for a year. These days, we preserve for flavor and pleasure, not out of necessity. That means you can work with just a few jars at a time and do away with the canning and process altogether, if you like.
Don’t waste money on great vinegar. Inexpensive apple cider vinegar, red and white wine vinegar,and very inexpensive distilled white vinegar work wonderfully.
Yes, you can pickle fruits! Karen loves pickling grapes and cherries. Her advice: Use less vinegar when pickling fruits than vegetables, and use a lighter one, such as apple cider vinegar. A sweeter brine brings out the best flavor in the fruit. Firmer fruits like grapes and pineapple will hold up well, as well as underripe green fruits, while soft, ripe berries won’t last as long. See Karen’s recipe for green strawberry salsa here.
Use a bit of turmeric when pickling cauliflower. A half-teaspoon or so of ground turmeric mixed into the brine per pint jar will turn the vegetable a lovely yellow and help disguise discoloration.
Toast spices before adding them to a brine to really bring out their flavor. This is particularly important with Indian spices like coriander seed, whole fenugreek, and cumin seed, but also with chile flakes and peppercorns.
Don’t forget about citrus. A great pickle needs acid, but it needn’t all come from a vinegar bottle. Lemon juice and lime juice are astringent enough for quick pickles. Consider adding thinly sliced citrus rounds to beets, asparagus, green beans, carrots, berries, stone fruit or other vegetables and fruits.
Experiment. Classic spices are dill seed, celery seed, yellow and brown mustard seeds, garlic, bay leaves and whole black peppercorns. Consider also fresh ginger, green onion, shallots, dried chile peppers, fresh and dried herbs, Sichuan peppercorns, star anise and cinnamon sticks. “I’m a big fan of garlic, and I like caraway seed in my fermented pickles,” says Karen. “And I always need salt.”
Enjoy your handiwork! Besides putting homemade pickles on sandwiches, Karen recommends chopping them and adding them to potato salad, or sprinkling them on top of a green salad. She also adds them to Asian rice bowls, pan sauces, stir-frys, soups and savory pancakes.
Related Recipes
- Spicy Dilly Beans Recipe | Serious Eats:
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Кабачковая икра. Суповые заправки.
Время жить и любить - Рецептики.:
Кабачковая икра.
Икра очень простая, получается почти как советская из детства, всем очень нравится.
3 кг кабачков,
0.5 кг лука,
0.5 кг моркови,
слегка обжарить на подсолнечном масле.
0.2 кг томатного соуса,
1 ст.л. соли,
0.5 стакана сахара,
уксуса немножко,
разбиваем блендером,
варим еще мин 20 до готовности (цвет меняется, это видно все),
Суповые заправки.
Суповые заправки на самом деле были изначально салатами.
Это еще проще. Все, что есть под рукой, режу на бернеровской терке (очень быстро получается).
"Все" - это действительно все, что есть под рукой, что назрело к данному моменту.
Кабачки, огурцы, помидоры, фасоль, сельдерей, капуста, лук, морковь, перцы - в общем, каждая порция получается разной, и поэтому зимой супы не повторяются, и не надоедают.
Подсаливаешь, подперчиваешь, добавляешь подсолнечного масла, обжариваешь-подтушиваешь.
Если капуста с фасолью, то их подольше надо, их первыми.
Морковь тоже размягчиться должна.
Кабачки, огурцы - в последнюю очередь,
помидоры - тоже в последнюю, они кислые, после них уже размягчаться ничего не будет.
Специи - что есть, - укроп, петрушка, перец черный, в общем - фантазия из подручного материала.
Потушили - и в стерильные банки. Очень удобны банки на 0.7 - это как раз порция на суп.
Потом уже сам суп готовится элементарно - варится бульон, добавляется картошка, если надо.
Когда все сварилось, переворачиваю туда открытую банку с заправкой - и суп готов.
Я даже не заморачиваюсь с выбором банки - если попалась с огурцами, то получается рассольник, если с капустой - то а ля щи, если другой - просто суп без названия. :о))) Ну такой я вот кулинар.
Как приправа ко вторым блюдам тоже можно использовать такие закрутки, но у меня вот так больше - именно в суп 'via Blog this'
Кабачковая икра.
Икра очень простая, получается почти как советская из детства, всем очень нравится.
3 кг кабачков,
0.5 кг лука,
0.5 кг моркови,
слегка обжарить на подсолнечном масле.
0.2 кг томатного соуса,
1 ст.л. соли,
0.5 стакана сахара,
уксуса немножко,
разбиваем блендером,
варим еще мин 20 до готовности (цвет меняется, это видно все),
Суповые заправки.
Суповые заправки на самом деле были изначально салатами.
Это еще проще. Все, что есть под рукой, режу на бернеровской терке (очень быстро получается).
"Все" - это действительно все, что есть под рукой, что назрело к данному моменту.
Кабачки, огурцы, помидоры, фасоль, сельдерей, капуста, лук, морковь, перцы - в общем, каждая порция получается разной, и поэтому зимой супы не повторяются, и не надоедают.
Подсаливаешь, подперчиваешь, добавляешь подсолнечного масла, обжариваешь-подтушиваешь.
Если капуста с фасолью, то их подольше надо, их первыми.
Морковь тоже размягчиться должна.
Кабачки, огурцы - в последнюю очередь,
помидоры - тоже в последнюю, они кислые, после них уже размягчаться ничего не будет.
Специи - что есть, - укроп, петрушка, перец черный, в общем - фантазия из подручного материала.
Потушили - и в стерильные банки. Очень удобны банки на 0.7 - это как раз порция на суп.
Потом уже сам суп готовится элементарно - варится бульон, добавляется картошка, если надо.
Когда все сварилось, переворачиваю туда открытую банку с заправкой - и суп готов.
Я даже не заморачиваюсь с выбором банки - если попалась с огурцами, то получается рассольник, если с капустой - то а ля щи, если другой - просто суп без названия. :о))) Ну такой я вот кулинар.
Как приправа ко вторым блюдам тоже можно использовать такие закрутки, но у меня вот так больше - именно в суп 'via Blog this'
Monday, 21 July 2014
Coconut pancakes with mango and passion fruit curd.
By Michel Roux Jr.
For the pancakes
125g/4½ plain flour
15g/½oz caster sugar
pinch of salt
4 medium free-range eggs
350ml/12fl oz full-fat milk
2 tbsp desiccated coconut, toasted
butter, for frying
For the curd
8 large free-range egg yolks
120g/4½oz caster sugar
160ml/5½fl oz mango juice
110ml/3½fl oz passion fruit juice
250g/9oz unsalted butter
To serve
fresh pineapple, thinly sliced
fresh mint, leaves picked
dusting of icing sugar
Preparation method
- For the pancakes, combine the flour, sugar and salt together, then mix in the eggs with a whisk. Add the milk gradually to avoid any lumps, then stir in the toasted coconut. Leave to rest while you make the curd.
- To make the curd, whisk the eggs, sugar, mango and passion fruit juices together in a saucepan. Place over a medium heat and stir continuously until the mixture thickens - do not boil. Whisk in the butter, cut into small pieces. Cover and leave to cool.
- To cook the pancakes, add a smear of melted butter to a non-stick pan and ladle in some batter, swirling around to coat the pan - it might take one or two test pancakes before you’ve got the amount of batter just right. Cook each pancake on both sides until golden-brown and then remove to a plate while you cook the next pancake.
- To assemble, spread each pancake with the fruit curd and then roll up into cigars. Serve with fresh pineapple, mint leaves and a dusting of icing sugar.
For the pancakes
125g/4½ plain flour
15g/½oz caster sugar
pinch of salt
4 medium free-range eggs
350ml/12fl oz full-fat milk
2 tbsp desiccated coconut, toasted
butter, for frying
For the curd
8 large free-range egg yolks
120g/4½oz caster sugar
160ml/5½fl oz mango juice
110ml/3½fl oz passion fruit juice
250g/9oz unsalted butter
To serve
fresh pineapple, thinly sliced
fresh mint, leaves picked
dusting of icing sugar
Preparation method
- For the pancakes, combine the flour, sugar and salt together, then mix in the eggs with a whisk. Add the milk gradually to avoid any lumps, then stir in the toasted coconut. Leave to rest while you make the curd.
- To make the curd, whisk the eggs, sugar, mango and passion fruit juices together in a saucepan. Place over a medium heat and stir continuously until the mixture thickens - do not boil. Whisk in the butter, cut into small pieces. Cover and leave to cool.
- To cook the pancakes, add a smear of melted butter to a non-stick pan and ladle in some batter, swirling around to coat the pan - it might take one or two test pancakes before you’ve got the amount of batter just right. Cook each pancake on both sides until golden-brown and then remove to a plate while you cook the next pancake.
- To assemble, spread each pancake with the fruit curd and then roll up into cigars. Serve with fresh pineapple, mint leaves and a dusting of icing sugar.
Quick orange and lemon chicken with perfect steamed rice.
BBC - Food - Recipes : Quick orange and lemon chicken with perfect steamed rice and stir-fried Chinese greens:
Quick orange and lemon chicken with perfect steamed rice and stir-fried Chinese greens.
By Ken Hom From Food & Drink
preparation time - less than 30 mins
cooking time - 10 to 30 mins
Orange and lemon zest give a zingy flavour to this chicken stir fry, served with garlicky Chinese greens and rice.
Serves 4
Quick orange and lemon chicken with perfect steamed rice and stir-fried Chinese greens.
By Ken Hom From Food & Drink
preparation time - less than 30 mins
cooking time - 10 to 30 mins
Orange and lemon zest give a zingy flavour to this chicken stir fry, served with garlicky Chinese greens and rice.
Serves 4
Помидоры на зиму.
Кухня турецких тетушек - Мамины помидоры на зиму:
На 1 банку 3-х литровую:
* Помидоры - примерно 2,5 кг.
* черный перец горошком - 10 шт.
* душистый перец - 3-5 шт. (зависит от величины)
* гвоздика - 3-5 шт.
* смородина - 5 листиков
* укроп - 2 веточки с большими зонтиками и лучше созревшими семечками
* чеснок - 3-4зубчика
* вишня или дубовые листья - 10 листиков
* хрен - листья - 1 крупный - не обязательно
К этому набору трав можно добавить эстрагон, или чабер, или базилик
* 2,5 ст.л. сахара
* 1,5 ст.л крупной соли (без верха)
* на кончике ножа лимонную кислоту
Разобрать, помыть и положить на чистое полотенце помидоры, накрыть сверху другим полотенцем, чтобы они обсохли.
Помыть зелень и так же разложить на чистое полотенце, накрыв сверху вторым.
Почистить и помыть чеснок.
Банки и крышки простерилизовать.
В большой кастрюле вскипятить воду.
Разложить по банкам травы, пряности, чеснок и помидоры. Желательно чтобы получилось 3 слоя трав. На дне, посередине и у края банки.
Залить кипятком банки с помидорами, до самого верха, пусть вода даже немного прольется через край - 1-я заливка.
Дать банкам постоять примерно 10 мин.
Одеть специальную крышку с дырочками и носиком на банку и слить из нее воду в кастрюлю. И так с каждой банки. Поставить кастрюлю на огонь, растворить в воде сахар и соль, столько сколько нужно на каждую банку.
Вскипятить рассол.
Сверху в каждую банку положить лимонную кислоту на кончике ножа.
Залить каждую банку горячим рассолом- 2я заливка, закрыть крышкой , закатать и перевернуть вниз головой.
Когда банки остынут, убрать их на постоянное место хранения.
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Sunday, 20 July 2014
From vegetable patch.
Matthew Fort: Too much of a good thing? | Life and style | The Guardian:
From vegetable patch.
- Coarse french bean soup with potato and chorizo
- Stuffed supersized courgettes
- Cucumber and french bean salad with gari
All recipes serve four.
From vegetable patch.
- Coarse french bean soup with potato and chorizo
- Stuffed supersized courgettes
- Cucumber and french bean salad with gari
All recipes serve four.
Икра "Оранжевая"
"Корица и Розмарин" - Икра "Оранжевая": "ИКРА 'ОРАНЖЕВАЯ'"
Бывает икра рыбная, грибная, а бывает икра овощная: кабачковая, баклажанная и т.д. и т.п.
А эту икру, по бабулиному рецепту, мы дома называем «Оранжевая».
По вкусу она остро-кисло-сладкая.
Делать ее просто, особенно если есть кухонный комбайн, а получается, без преувеличения скажу - очень вкусно.
P.S. Кстати , этот семейный рецепт вошел в книгу Про Заготовки от Гастронома, как и мамин рецепт помидоров.
Книгу рекомедую всем любителям заготовок, там масса прекрасных рецептов и идей.
* Помидоры - 5 кг.
* Яблоки кисло-сладких сортов, лучше Антоновка. - 5 кг
* Морковь - 5-3 кг
* Болгарский перец - 2 кг.
* Лук репчатый - 1 кг.
* Чеснок - 0,5. кг
* Острый перец - 5 больших стручков. Можно больше, но это на любителя.
* Корень сельдерея - по желанию
* Масло растительное - 1 л.
* Соль крупная - по вкусу
Все овощи помыть. Морковь, лук, чеснок - почистить. У сладкого перца удалить семена и плодоножку, у горького - только плодоножку. У яблок вырезать семечки.
Все овощи постепенно измельчить в кухонном комбайне или на мясорубке.
Если делать в комбайне, то лучше закладывать частями сразу все овощи, чтобы потом было легче перемешивать.
В большой кастрюле или ведре (эмалированном) разогреть все масло. Вылить икру, добавить соль по вкусу. Хорошо все перемешать и варить на самом маленьком огне периодически помешивая - 1,5 - 2 часа.
Икра не должна сильно бурлить
Банки и крышки стерилизовать.
Горячую икру разложить по банкам, закрыть крышками, перевернуть.
Когда остынет, поставить на хранение в холодное место (холодильник, погреб, подвал)
Бывает икра рыбная, грибная, а бывает икра овощная: кабачковая, баклажанная и т.д. и т.п.
А эту икру, по бабулиному рецепту, мы дома называем «Оранжевая».
По вкусу она остро-кисло-сладкая.
Делать ее просто, особенно если есть кухонный комбайн, а получается, без преувеличения скажу - очень вкусно.
P.S. Кстати , этот семейный рецепт вошел в книгу Про Заготовки от Гастронома, как и мамин рецепт помидоров.
Книгу рекомедую всем любителям заготовок, там масса прекрасных рецептов и идей.
* Помидоры - 5 кг.
* Яблоки кисло-сладких сортов, лучше Антоновка. - 5 кг
* Морковь - 5-3 кг
* Болгарский перец - 2 кг.
* Лук репчатый - 1 кг.
* Чеснок - 0,5. кг
* Острый перец - 5 больших стручков. Можно больше, но это на любителя.
* Корень сельдерея - по желанию
* Масло растительное - 1 л.
* Соль крупная - по вкусу
Все овощи помыть. Морковь, лук, чеснок - почистить. У сладкого перца удалить семена и плодоножку, у горького - только плодоножку. У яблок вырезать семечки.
Все овощи постепенно измельчить в кухонном комбайне или на мясорубке.
Если делать в комбайне, то лучше закладывать частями сразу все овощи, чтобы потом было легче перемешивать.
В большой кастрюле или ведре (эмалированном) разогреть все масло. Вылить икру, добавить соль по вкусу. Хорошо все перемешать и варить на самом маленьком огне периодически помешивая - 1,5 - 2 часа.
Икра не должна сильно бурлить
Банки и крышки стерилизовать.
Горячую икру разложить по банкам, закрыть крышками, перевернуть.
Когда остынет, поставить на хранение в холодное место (холодильник, погреб, подвал)
Pie Crust Dough
Pie Crust Dough
Recipe by: Willow Bird Baking
Yield: pie crust for one 9-inch pie
2 cups flour
1 teaspoons salt
3/8 cup (6 tablespoons) cold lard or shortening (I recommend lard)
3/8 cup (6 tablespoons) cold butter, chopped
3-4 tablespoons cold water
1 egg and 1 teaspoon water, lightly beaten together, for egg wash
Pulse flour and salt together to combine. Add the lard in hunks and pulse for about 10 seconds (literally stand there and count!) until it's the texture of coarse sand. Add in the chunks of cold butter and pulse for about 10 pulses (count 'em!) until butter pieces are no larger than small peas. Add 3 tablespoons of ice cold water and turn food processor on low -- the dough should form a dough ball in a few seconds. If the dough remains crumbly and doesn’t come together, add another tablespoon of water. Add as little water total as is required for the dough to form a ball. Scoop the dough onto a sheet of plastic wrap, form into a disk, and chill for at least 20-30 minutes.
Recipe by: Willow Bird Baking
Yield: pie crust for one 9-inch pie
2 cups flour
1 teaspoons salt
3/8 cup (6 tablespoons) cold lard or shortening (I recommend lard)
3/8 cup (6 tablespoons) cold butter, chopped
3-4 tablespoons cold water
1 egg and 1 teaspoon water, lightly beaten together, for egg wash
Pulse flour and salt together to combine. Add the lard in hunks and pulse for about 10 seconds (literally stand there and count!) until it's the texture of coarse sand. Add in the chunks of cold butter and pulse for about 10 pulses (count 'em!) until butter pieces are no larger than small peas. Add 3 tablespoons of ice cold water and turn food processor on low -- the dough should form a dough ball in a few seconds. If the dough remains crumbly and doesn’t come together, add another tablespoon of water. Add as little water total as is required for the dough to form a ball. Scoop the dough onto a sheet of plastic wrap, form into a disk, and chill for at least 20-30 minutes.
Claudia Roden.
Claudia Roden: interview | Life and style | The Observer: "Claudia Roden: 'Spain's regional dishes are memories, and people want to hold on to them'"
For many years, Claudia Roden resisted Spain with all her might. "Yes," she says, with a sheepish smile. "First of all, I wouldn't go because of Franco. Then, I will be honest, it was the tourist thing." It was only when her American editor asked her to write about the food of the country – a suggestion this editor cannily followed by saying she would ask a certain other cookery writer were Roden to turn her down – that she finally gave in. Ever since, it has been love all the way. Her capacious new book, The Food of Spain, took five years to complete, and every day was replete with discovery. "What is exciting for me is that Spain hasn't lost its regional dishes," she says. "Until the 1950s, 80% of the population lived in the country. So there are memories, and people want to hold on to them. The Catalan institute of gastronomy sent me its entire archive. There were 900 recipes, and that's only one region."
The Food of Spain
by Claudia Roden
For many years, Claudia Roden resisted Spain with all her might. "Yes," she says, with a sheepish smile. "First of all, I wouldn't go because of Franco. Then, I will be honest, it was the tourist thing." It was only when her American editor asked her to write about the food of the country – a suggestion this editor cannily followed by saying she would ask a certain other cookery writer were Roden to turn her down – that she finally gave in. Ever since, it has been love all the way. Her capacious new book, The Food of Spain, took five years to complete, and every day was replete with discovery. "What is exciting for me is that Spain hasn't lost its regional dishes," she says. "Until the 1950s, 80% of the population lived in the country. So there are memories, and people want to hold on to them. The Catalan institute of gastronomy sent me its entire archive. There were 900 recipes, and that's only one region."
The Food of Spain
by Claudia Roden
Michel Roux’s Shortcrust (Flan) Pastry.
Pencil and Fork » Michel Roux’s Shortcrust (Flan) Pastry:
Pastry is a dough!
Shortcrust pastry is really quick and easy to make.
Often, it’s simply made of plain flour, butter or lard, water and a pinch of salt.
The shortcrust recipe I’m using is for flan pastry, otherwise known as pâte à foncer, from Michel Roux’s Pastry.
It has the addition of an egg, and happily it’s still very quick and easy to make.
Pâte à foncer is one of Michel’s basic shortcrust pastry recipes in the book, the other being pâte brisée.
The flan pastry, he says, is crispier and less delicate.
Shortcrust flan pastry lining a pie dish.
Ingredients (makes 480 g):
125 g unsalted butter
250 g plain flour
1 egg
1 tsp caster sugar
1/2 tsp salt
40 ml cold water
Sieve the flour and mix it with the salt and sugar. Place the four into a work surface, and make a well in the middle. Place the butter and egg into the well.
Pastry is a dough!
Shortcrust pastry is really quick and easy to make.
Often, it’s simply made of plain flour, butter or lard, water and a pinch of salt.
The shortcrust recipe I’m using is for flan pastry, otherwise known as pâte à foncer, from Michel Roux’s Pastry.
It has the addition of an egg, and happily it’s still very quick and easy to make.
Pâte à foncer is one of Michel’s basic shortcrust pastry recipes in the book, the other being pâte brisée.
The flan pastry, he says, is crispier and less delicate.
Shortcrust flan pastry lining a pie dish.
Ingredients (makes 480 g):
125 g unsalted butter
250 g plain flour
1 egg
1 tsp caster sugar
1/2 tsp salt
40 ml cold water
Sieve the flour and mix it with the salt and sugar. Place the four into a work surface, and make a well in the middle. Place the butter and egg into the well.
Fresh Raspberry Gratins by Ina Garten.
Fresh Raspberry Gratins Recipe : Ina Garten : Recipes : Food Network:
Ina Garten - Barefoot Contessa book "Back to Basics"
"Ingredients 8 extra-large egg yolks
2/3 cup superfine or caster sugar
1 cup sweet Marsala wine
1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
6 half-pints fresh raspberries
Granulated sugar"
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Ina Garten - Barefoot Contessa book "Back to Basics"
"Ingredients 8 extra-large egg yolks
2/3 cup superfine or caster sugar
1 cup sweet Marsala wine
1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
6 half-pints fresh raspberries
Granulated sugar"
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Ham hock and split pea soup.
Boiling a ham hock and making pea soup - Recipes - Food & Drink - The Independent:
If you are going to boil a ham why not make pea soup at the same time. You can also make this with fresh or frozen peas, but they will need to go in the stock for about 5 minutes only. In Victorian London this soup was known as London Particular; and the thick fogs of that time were nicknamed pea-soupers after it. You will find lots of different types of dried peas these days: quick soak, whole, split and so on. Any will do, you just need to soak ahead a bit. The size of the ham doesn't really matter if you are making soup and cooking ham for the family, so just buy whatever size you need and follow the cooking instructions.
If you are going to boil a ham why not make pea soup at the same time. You can also make this with fresh or frozen peas, but they will need to go in the stock for about 5 minutes only. In Victorian London this soup was known as London Particular; and the thick fogs of that time were nicknamed pea-soupers after it. You will find lots of different types of dried peas these days: quick soak, whole, split and so on. Any will do, you just need to soak ahead a bit. The size of the ham doesn't really matter if you are making soup and cooking ham for the family, so just buy whatever size you need and follow the cooking instructions.
Stuffed Round Courgettes.
Stuffed Round Courgettes | The Macadames:
What you need:
Baking tray
Fry pan
Foil/baking paper
Paper towel
Ingredients (makes 4):
Baking tray
Fry pan
Foil/baking paper
Paper towel
Ingredients (makes 4):
Tuesday, 15 July 2014
Peach clafoutis.
Pierre Koffmann
Published at The Times Magazine, July 12 2014.
Serves 4
500ml water
250g sugar
3 large ripe peaches
4 eggs
150g caster sugar
1 tbsp flour, sifted
300ml double cream
1 knob of butter
1 Preheat the oven to 180C/Gas 4. Put the water and sugar in a saucepan and bring to the boil.
2 Plunge the peaches in the syrup and bring back to the boil. Cook for no more than 3 minutes.
3 Remove the peaches with a slotted spoon. Peel, halve and stone them and set aside.
4 Whisk together the eggs and sugar until frothy. Mix in the flour, add the cream and combine.
5 Butter an ovenproof dish and place the poached peach halves cut side down,
pour over the mixture and cook for 30 minutes,
eat at room temperature.
Published at The Times Magazine, July 12 2014.
Serves 4
500ml water
250g sugar
3 large ripe peaches
4 eggs
150g caster sugar
1 tbsp flour, sifted
300ml double cream
1 knob of butter
1 Preheat the oven to 180C/Gas 4. Put the water and sugar in a saucepan and bring to the boil.
2 Plunge the peaches in the syrup and bring back to the boil. Cook for no more than 3 minutes.
3 Remove the peaches with a slotted spoon. Peel, halve and stone them and set aside.
4 Whisk together the eggs and sugar until frothy. Mix in the flour, add the cream and combine.
5 Butter an ovenproof dish and place the poached peach halves cut side down,
pour over the mixture and cook for 30 minutes,
eat at room temperature.
Blueberry and yogurt cake.
makes a 23 centimetres pan
1 cup (140 g) superfine brown rice flour
1/2 cup (60 g) millet flour
2 tablespoons tapioca starch
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 eggs
1 cup (200 g) natural cane sugar
1 cup (250 ml) whole-milk yogurt
1/2 cup (125 ml) olive oil, plus more for pan
Zest of 1 lemon
7 ounces (200 g) blueberries
Preheat oven to 350F (180C).
Brush a bundt pan with a bit of olive oil.
In a large bowl, mix together the superfine brown rice flour, millet flour, tapioca starch, baking powder and salt.
In another bowl, whisk together the eggs, sugar, yogurt, olive oil and lemon zest. Pour the wet ingredients over the dry and whisk together. Fold the blueberries into the batter and pour into the bundt pan.
Bake cake for 30 to 40 minutes or until center of cake completely baked. To test for doneness, insert toothpick and it’s done when it comes out clean. Let cake cool completely in pan and then turn over to unmold over a serving plate.
- The Best Blueberry Pie Recipe | Serious Eats
1 cup (140 g) superfine brown rice flour
1/2 cup (60 g) millet flour
2 tablespoons tapioca starch
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 eggs
1 cup (200 g) natural cane sugar
1 cup (250 ml) whole-milk yogurt
1/2 cup (125 ml) olive oil, plus more for pan
Zest of 1 lemon
7 ounces (200 g) blueberries
Preheat oven to 350F (180C).
Brush a bundt pan with a bit of olive oil.
In a large bowl, mix together the superfine brown rice flour, millet flour, tapioca starch, baking powder and salt.
In another bowl, whisk together the eggs, sugar, yogurt, olive oil and lemon zest. Pour the wet ingredients over the dry and whisk together. Fold the blueberries into the batter and pour into the bundt pan.
Bake cake for 30 to 40 minutes or until center of cake completely baked. To test for doneness, insert toothpick and it’s done when it comes out clean. Let cake cool completely in pan and then turn over to unmold over a serving plate.
- The Best Blueberry Pie Recipe | Serious Eats
Sunday, 13 July 2014
Blueberry clafoutis.
Blueberry recipes | Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall | Life and style | The Guardian:
The classic clafoutis is made with cherries, but blueberries work a treat, too, releasing their vibrant purple juice as they bake inside the tender batter. Serves six.
Butter, for greasing
75g plain flour
Pinch of salt
75g caster sugar
2 medium eggs, plus 1 medium egg white
300ml whole milk
400g blueberries
A little icing sugar, to finish
Double cream, to serve
Heat the oven to 190C/375F/gas mark 5 and liberally butter a 25cm x 20cm rectangular dish, or a 25cm-diameter round one.
Sift the flour and salt into a bowl, and stir in the sugar. Beat together the eggs and egg white, then pour into the centre of the flour and whisk in, gradually incorporating the flour from the sides. Slowly add the milk, whisking all the while, until you have a smooth batter.
Spread the blueberries in the buttered dish, then pour in the batter. Bake for 35 minutes, until puffed up and golden brown. Leave to cool. Serve warm or at room temperature, dusted with icing sugar, with double cream for pouring.
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The classic clafoutis is made with cherries, but blueberries work a treat, too, releasing their vibrant purple juice as they bake inside the tender batter. Serves six.
Butter, for greasing
75g plain flour
Pinch of salt
75g caster sugar
2 medium eggs, plus 1 medium egg white
300ml whole milk
400g blueberries
A little icing sugar, to finish
Double cream, to serve
Heat the oven to 190C/375F/gas mark 5 and liberally butter a 25cm x 20cm rectangular dish, or a 25cm-diameter round one.
Sift the flour and salt into a bowl, and stir in the sugar. Beat together the eggs and egg white, then pour into the centre of the flour and whisk in, gradually incorporating the flour from the sides. Slowly add the milk, whisking all the while, until you have a smooth batter.
Spread the blueberries in the buttered dish, then pour in the batter. Bake for 35 minutes, until puffed up and golden brown. Leave to cool. Serve warm or at room temperature, dusted with icing sugar, with double cream for pouring.
Strawberry Clafoutis.
Strawberry Clafoutis Recipe - Chocolate & Zucchini: "Note: the amounts were slightly rounded up or down to make them easier to work with (who wants to measure 56.69 grams butter?), but this won’t affect the finished product — clafoutis is a pretty flexible kind of guy.
- 55 g unsalted butter
- 600 g fresh strawberries
- 60 g all-purpose flour
- 50 g whole blanched almonds
- 100 g granulated sugar
- 1 tablespoon cornstarch
- A pinch of salt
- 3 large eggs
- 185 ml milk
- 1 tablespoon dark rum (optional)
- Confectioner’s sugar
- Oven temperature: 180° C"
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- 55 g unsalted butter
- 600 g fresh strawberries
- 60 g all-purpose flour
- 50 g whole blanched almonds
- 100 g granulated sugar
- 1 tablespoon cornstarch
- A pinch of salt
- 3 large eggs
- 185 ml milk
- 1 tablespoon dark rum (optional)
- Confectioner’s sugar
- Oven temperature: 180° C"
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Nigel Slater's blueberries clafoutis.
Nigel Slater's summer recipes | Life and style | The Observer:
Blueberry batter pudding
Batter pudding, the French 'Clafoutis', is the only hot pudding that is really acceptable in high summer. Possibly because, like quiche, it is traditionally served warm rather than hot.
Though cherries are more traditional, I find this pudding works exceptionally well with blueberries, their tart purple-blueness seeping into the quivering egg custard.
serves 4-6
eggs - 4
plain flour - 75g
caster sugar - 80-90g
single cream - 250ml
full cream milk - 225ml
blueberries - 300g
icing sugar and cream to serve
You will also need an ovenproof dish about 25cm in diameter and a little butter for greasing it with.
- Butter the dish.
- Whizz all the ingredients except the fruit in a blender or food processor, or beat them all together with a hand-held whisk.
- Tip the fruit into the dish, pour over the batter,then bake in a preheated oven at 200 c/gas 6 for about 40 minutes, till the batter is lightly risen, golden and lightly firm to the touch.
- Dust with icing sugar before serving.
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Blueberry batter pudding
Batter pudding, the French 'Clafoutis', is the only hot pudding that is really acceptable in high summer. Possibly because, like quiche, it is traditionally served warm rather than hot.
Though cherries are more traditional, I find this pudding works exceptionally well with blueberries, their tart purple-blueness seeping into the quivering egg custard.
serves 4-6
eggs - 4
plain flour - 75g
caster sugar - 80-90g
single cream - 250ml
full cream milk - 225ml
blueberries - 300g
icing sugar and cream to serve
You will also need an ovenproof dish about 25cm in diameter and a little butter for greasing it with.
- Butter the dish.
- Whizz all the ingredients except the fruit in a blender or food processor, or beat them all together with a hand-held whisk.
- Tip the fruit into the dish, pour over the batter,then bake in a preheated oven at 200 c/gas 6 for about 40 minutes, till the batter is lightly risen, golden and lightly firm to the touch.
- Dust with icing sugar before serving.
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Apricot and Raspberry Clafouti.
Apricot and Raspberry Clafouti - The Washington Post: "Adapted from David Lebovitz's "The Sweet Life in Paris" (Broadway Books, 2009)."
At a fruit stand nearby, the wiry, balding Lebovitz picks out Spanish apricots. Back at his apartment, he quickly throws together a clafouti, that simple French dish of fruit suspended in something between custard and cake.
(Clafoutis isn't a cake - it really is more of a yorkshire pudding with fruit in.)
He butters a white gratin dish, washes the apricots and some raspberries, then whirs together a batter in a blender. He pours it over the fruit in the dish, bakes it, then sprinkles coarse sugar on top and bakes it a little more. Once the clafouti has cooled a bit, Lebovitz and I taste it: The baked apricots have become more tart, which makes the sweet sponge enrobing them all the more delicious.
This classic, simple French dessert is marvelous when summer fruits and berries are in season. The original recipe called for small prune plums, which can be cut in half and pitted. The apricots used here become pleasantly tangy when baked.
Serving: 8
At a fruit stand nearby, the wiry, balding Lebovitz picks out Spanish apricots. Back at his apartment, he quickly throws together a clafouti, that simple French dish of fruit suspended in something between custard and cake.
(Clafoutis isn't a cake - it really is more of a yorkshire pudding with fruit in.)
He butters a white gratin dish, washes the apricots and some raspberries, then whirs together a batter in a blender. He pours it over the fruit in the dish, bakes it, then sprinkles coarse sugar on top and bakes it a little more. Once the clafouti has cooled a bit, Lebovitz and I taste it: The baked apricots have become more tart, which makes the sweet sponge enrobing them all the more delicious.
This classic, simple French dessert is marvelous when summer fruits and berries are in season. The original recipe called for small prune plums, which can be cut in half and pitted. The apricots used here become pleasantly tangy when baked.
Serving: 8
Kirsch. Is there an alternative? (Baking)
Kirsch is just cherry brandy.
If you do not have any liqueurs or syrups on hand, you may substitute extracts, such as cherry or even almond. Substitute about 1/8 teaspoon of extract for each teaspoonful of kirsch. However, the extract will work best in recipes in which kirsch is added to a cookie or cake batter, or to an ice cream or sorbet.
Kirsch | David Lebovitz:
If I had to name five items that are obligatory in my baking repertoire, after The Big Four (sugar, butter, flour, and eggs), a bottle of kirsch is essential for me, right up there with vanilla, vying for numéro 5.
A few drops of kirsch highlights and augments the flavor of peaches, nectarines, plums, and every kind of berry imaginable.
If you do not have any liqueurs or syrups on hand, you may substitute extracts, such as cherry or even almond. Substitute about 1/8 teaspoon of extract for each teaspoonful of kirsch. However, the extract will work best in recipes in which kirsch is added to a cookie or cake batter, or to an ice cream or sorbet.
Kirsch | David Lebovitz:
If I had to name five items that are obligatory in my baking repertoire, after The Big Four (sugar, butter, flour, and eggs), a bottle of kirsch is essential for me, right up there with vanilla, vying for numéro 5.
A few drops of kirsch highlights and augments the flavor of peaches, nectarines, plums, and every kind of berry imaginable.
Thursday, 10 July 2014
Пудинг Евы. Кисель.
Пудинг Евы/Eve's pudding - это классический английский пудинг из припущенных фруктов, запеченных в бисквитном тесте.
Итак, "Пудинг Евы" - один из традиционных британских пудингов и мой рецепт я взяла от моей любимой Мэри Берри.
Все очень просто - яблоки покрытые “Victoria sponge cake mixture” то есть английским бисквитным тестом.
- 500 гр - яблок твердых сортов,
- 90 г коричневого сахара,
- цедра и сок 1 лимона,
- 20-30 г сливочного масла.
- смазать слегка маслом форму для выпечки - объемом не меньше 1.25 литра.
- выложить дно формы яблоками, которые очищены и нарезаны тонкими ломтиками (можно воспользоваться комбайном - нарезка пластинками).
- сбрызнуть яблоки соком лимона, посыпать его цедрой и коричневым сахаром.
для бисквитного верха:
в большой емкости смешать - взбить:
- 125 г сливочного масла (комнатной температуры),
- 125 г сахара (caster sugar - очень "мелкий" сахар в Британии - можно приготовить в домашних условиях путем измельчения обычного сахарного песка в течение нескольких минут в кухонном комбайне),
- 2 яйца - легонько “взбить” вилкой до смешивания, не нужно взбивать как миксером.
- 125 г муки (self-raising),
- 1 ч л разрыхлителя.
Аккуратно вылить смесь на яблоки и разровнять.
Выпекать в предварительно разогретой до 180 градусов С духовке (160С - если духовка с вентилятором, газовая - марк 4) около 40-45 минут до золотисто-коричневого цвета (бисквита).
Подавать с заварным кремом, сливками, сметаной или мороженым - или любимое с детства - сгущенное молоко!
А можете приготовить крем английский “Custard” аналог русского Заварного крема.
Можно выпекать в порционных формочках на каждого.
Вместо яблок мы используем все, что достаточно густой консистенции.
На фото - пирог с крыжовником который из знаменитого "царского варенья" прошлого года - то есть без косточек - сок слит и пошел на жидкий кисель - его фото ниже, а ягоды - на пирог.
Почему мы любим его?
- легко и быстро готовить.
- легкий, воздушный бисквит.
- на дно кладем, что имеем - яблоки, джем, ягоды из прошлогоднего варенья (без сюропа), яблоки в комбинации с ежевикой, например, то бишь ягодой.
Итак, "Пудинг Евы" - один из традиционных британских пудингов и мой рецепт я взяла от моей любимой Мэри Берри.
Все очень просто - яблоки покрытые “Victoria sponge cake mixture” то есть английским бисквитным тестом.
- 500 гр - яблок твердых сортов,
- 90 г коричневого сахара,
- цедра и сок 1 лимона,
- 20-30 г сливочного масла.
- смазать слегка маслом форму для выпечки - объемом не меньше 1.25 литра.
- выложить дно формы яблоками, которые очищены и нарезаны тонкими ломтиками (можно воспользоваться комбайном - нарезка пластинками).
- сбрызнуть яблоки соком лимона, посыпать его цедрой и коричневым сахаром.
для бисквитного верха:
в большой емкости смешать - взбить:
- 125 г сливочного масла (комнатной температуры),
- 125 г сахара (caster sugar - очень "мелкий" сахар в Британии - можно приготовить в домашних условиях путем измельчения обычного сахарного песка в течение нескольких минут в кухонном комбайне),
- 2 яйца - легонько “взбить” вилкой до смешивания, не нужно взбивать как миксером.
- 125 г муки (self-raising),
- 1 ч л разрыхлителя.
Аккуратно вылить смесь на яблоки и разровнять.
Выпекать в предварительно разогретой до 180 градусов С духовке (160С - если духовка с вентилятором, газовая - марк 4) около 40-45 минут до золотисто-коричневого цвета (бисквита).
Подавать с заварным кремом, сливками, сметаной или мороженым - или любимое с детства - сгущенное молоко!
А можете приготовить крем английский “Custard” аналог русского Заварного крема.
Можно выпекать в порционных формочках на каждого.
Вместо яблок мы используем все, что достаточно густой консистенции.
На фото - пирог с крыжовником который из знаменитого "царского варенья" прошлого года - то есть без косточек - сок слит и пошел на жидкий кисель - его фото ниже, а ягоды - на пирог.
Почему мы любим его?
- легко и быстро готовить.
- легкий, воздушный бисквит.
- на дно кладем, что имеем - яблоки, джем, ягоды из прошлогоднего варенья (без сюропа), яблоки в комбинации с ежевикой, например, то бишь ягодой.
Кисель - это экзотика в Англии.
Я его сварила "из того что было", а именно
- сироп от знаменитого "царского варенья" из крыжовника
- смородиновый "жмых" - тот что остался от смородинового желе (я его люблю без костей!).
- сок ревеня, который я сливаю, перед тем как варить варенье из ревеня с ягодами.
На стакан такого концентрированного сока я беру три стакана воды и 2 столовые ложки крахмала, плюс добавляю в кисель дольку лимона, и мяту.
Любят все! Включая сэра Брайана.

Я его сварила "из того что было", а именно
- сироп от знаменитого "царского варенья" из крыжовника
- смородиновый "жмых" - тот что остался от смородинового желе (я его люблю без костей!).
- сок ревеня, который я сливаю, перед тем как варить варенье из ревеня с ягодами.
На стакан такого концентрированного сока я беру три стакана воды и 2 столовые ложки крахмала, плюс добавляю в кисель дольку лимона, и мяту.
Любят все! Включая сэра Брайана.

из книги В.Похлебкина "Тайны хорошей кухни"
1. Сварить сироп: сахар развести в холодной воде и проварить, снять пену, уварить слегка, чтобы сироп был плотноватым, чувствовался бы.
1. Сварить сироп: сахар развести в холодной воде и проварить, снять пену, уварить слегка, чтобы сироп был плотноватым, чувствовался бы.
Salade Niçoise.
Just perfect: Salade niçoise | Mail Online: Felicity Cloake's new book.
Salade Niçoise is a salad that originated in the French city of Nice.
It is traditionally made of tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs, Niçoise olives, anchovies, and dressed with olive oil.
Delia Smith called it "one of the best combinations of salad ingredients ever invented.
Serves 2
2 eggs
500g broad bean pods or 50g (1¾oz) French beans
4 ripe tomatoes
¼ of a cucumber
2 spring onions, finely chopped
½ a red pepper, thinly sliced
50g small black olives, pitted
1tbsp capers
4 anchovies, cut into slivers
A few basil leaves, roughly torn
For the dressing
1 small clove of garlic
A pinch of coarse salt
2 anchovies, finely chopped
A small handful of basil leaves, torn
4tbsp extra virgin olive oil
½tbsp red wine vinegar
Freshly ground black pepper
Salade Niçoise is a salad that originated in the French city of Nice.
It is traditionally made of tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs, Niçoise olives, anchovies, and dressed with olive oil.
Delia Smith called it "one of the best combinations of salad ingredients ever invented.
Serves 2
2 eggs
500g broad bean pods or 50g (1¾oz) French beans
4 ripe tomatoes
¼ of a cucumber
2 spring onions, finely chopped
½ a red pepper, thinly sliced
50g small black olives, pitted
1tbsp capers
4 anchovies, cut into slivers
A few basil leaves, roughly torn
For the dressing
1 small clove of garlic
A pinch of coarse salt
2 anchovies, finely chopped
A small handful of basil leaves, torn
4tbsp extra virgin olive oil
½tbsp red wine vinegar
Freshly ground black pepper
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