Friday 22 June 2012

Stuffed Peaches.

Pesche ripiene.

Makes eight peach halves

4 big yellow peaches
7 ounces Amaretti crunchy cookies
3.5 ounces sugar
1 egg yolk
Eight knobs (about 8 to 12 tablespoons) butter
Half glass white wine

- Wash the peaches then cut them in half and pit.
- Use a spoon to remove some pulp in the center of each peach and cook it in a saucepan over low heat with the sugar for about 15 minutes.
- In a bowl, crush the Amaretti cookies and mix with egg yolk. You can add a drop of sweet liquor, like Sassolino, if you'd like.
- Fill the peaches with the mixture and add a knob (about 1 to 1-1/2 tablespoons) butter and a dash of sugar to each one.
- Pour the wine into a tray, arrange the peaches on it, and cook at 340 degrees Fahrenheit for about 30 minutes.
- Enjoy warm or even cold. They're also delicious the day after.
From Here!
My...are apricots with syrup of strawberry +wine + lemon zest.

OR: - Pesche Ripiene – Stuffed Peaches | Emiko Davies:

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